Brilliant ballet critic quits

Brilliant ballet critic quits


norman lebrecht

August 18, 2016

The best of British ballet critics, Ismene Brown, has signed off her last review.

Formerly with the Telegraph, lately with the Spectator, she was a founder of the ArtsDesk website and a close observer of Russian affairs.

Ismene writes:

This is my last column as The Spectator’s dance spectator. It’s been the deepest pleasure to wander on your behalf around the fertile landscape of dance, but I’m off to Oxford University to do some research. Thank you for bearing with my thoughts and I hope you bought a few tickets as a result.

No UK ballet critic comes close.

ismene brown


  • MWnyc says:

    Yes, she’s very good, and her coverage of the Sergei Filin attack and its aftermath at the Bolshoi was invaluable.

    I hope that she’ll at least keep providing translations of important dance stories from the Russian press on her blog.


    She will be greatly missed – a forceful independent voice, a balletomane with excellent taste and wide experience