Emergency appeal: Gewandhaus cellist leaves pregnant widow

Emergency appeal: Gewandhaus cellist leaves pregnant widow


norman lebrecht

July 05, 2016

We have been asked to post details of an emergency whip-round for the family of Hendrik Zwiener, the Gewandhaus cellist who was tragically killed on his bike this weekend.

His wife, Irina, a violinist in the Staatskapelle Weimar, is due to give birth in two weeks to their first child.

She is devastated by the tragedy and has been left in a difficult situation. Irina’s friends in Weimar, led by the music director Stefan Solyom, have launched an appeal.

Please click here if you can help.

And please share among friends.

hendrik zwiener irina

Hendrik Zwiener, an active humanitarian and a member of the cello section of the Gewandhaus Orchestra since 2006, was suddenly and tragically killed in a bicycle accident, while on his way home, on July 2nd 2016. He leaves behind his wife, Irina. Their first child, a daughter, is due in a couple of weeks. This should have been a time of joy for Hendrik and Irina. Instead, Irina will have to navigate her grief, while soon having to care for her newborn.

While there is not much anyone can do to make this better, let’s at least help Irina and her daughter not have to worry about the practical and financial difficulties that have emerged. Any contribution will help a great deal towards easing this particular burden, in this period of transition.

Hendrik Zwiener, ein aktiver Humanist und Mitglied der Cellogruppe im Gewandhausorchester seit 2006, ist am 2.7.2016 in einem Fahrradunfall, auf dem Heimweg, plötzlich und tragisch um das Leben gekommen. Er hinterlässt seine Frau, Irina. Das erste kind des Paares, eine Tochter, wird in ein Paar Wochen erwartet. Dies sollte eine Zeit der Freude für Hendrik und Irina. Statt dessen muss Irina jetzt die Sorge verarbeiten, in dem dass sie sich bald auch um ihre neugeborene Tochter kümmern muss.

Obwohl es nicht viel gibt, was jemand tun könnte, um diese Situation einfacher zu machen, können wir wenigstens Irina und ihre Tochter dabei helfen, sich die praktische und finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, die dadurch entstanden sind, zu bewältigen. Jeder Beitrag wird sehr behilflich sein, in dieser Ãœbergangsphase, diese Bürde zu erleichtern.


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