‘Bitterest day of my life’: Maestro quits Tehran

‘Bitterest day of my life’: Maestro quits Tehran


norman lebrecht

March 09, 2016

After a week of talks, Ali (Alexander) Rahbari today confirmed his resignation as music director of the Tehran Symphony Ochestra.

In his letter to the Culture Minister he writes:

‘After all these months I have arrived at this point where I cannot continue my cooperation with this unprofessional [Rudaki] foundation and I cannot tolerate the irresponsibility of the foundation. They want me to collaborate as a guest conductor so that I would not disturb their unprofessional and cruel behaviors, but I will not accept this…

‘How can one continue to work with these people and still produce international performances? They have disturbed our activities with their erroneous decisions. These people are the main reasons for my resignation…

‘Today is one of the bitterest days of my working life, when I have been forced to cancel concerts in China and Austria. I hope there will be a day when I can resume my work with the orchestra without these inefficient individuals.’



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