Corbyn sacks culture spokesman

Corbyn sacks culture spokesman


norman lebrecht

January 05, 2016

Michael Dugher MP tweets: ‘Just been sacked by Jeremy Corbyn. I wished him a happy new year.’

(Who did what first?)

jeremy corbyn

Our Westminster mole adds:

Dugher is what is known in the Westminster Village as a ‘political bruiser’, he was Andy Burnham’s campaign chief during the summer leadership contest – but has been one of the most persistent critics of Corbyn’s leadership – in private… and in public.

Dugher is a capable operator and communicator, but had no previous experience within the culture sector. Unlike Dugher’s immediate predecessor Chris Bryant who clearly adored the role – there was no evidence he had any appreciation or enjoyment of the Culture and Media part of the portfolio (even if he liked the sport part).

With continued cuts to the arts, and with Channel 4 under serious threat of privatisation and a besieged BBC facing a tough Charter Review –we would be better served by a Shadow DCMS Minister who actually has some enthusiasm for the creative industries; and really can stand up and scrutinise highly-experienced and knowledgeable Tory DCMS Ministers John Whittingdale and Ed Vaizey.



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