Germany withdraws ‘anti-semitic, anti-gay’ song from Eurovision

Germany withdraws ‘anti-semitic, anti-gay’ song from Eurovision


norman lebrecht

November 23, 2015

The song ‘Wo sind’ slurs gay men as paedophiles. The singer, Xavier Naidoo, referred in an earlier song to the ‘Deadschilds’ behind the 2008 banking crisis.

Naidoo is of African and Indian parentage. The German Eurovision producers insist he is neither homophobe nor racist. But they’ve dropped him anyway.

xavier naidoo

It won’t harm his sales.


  • william osborne says:

    Why would they appoint someone to represent Germany who is a 9/11 truther; who holds to conspiracies about the Rothschild family causing Germany to have and lose two world wars; and who is part of the Reichsbürgerbewegung which believes the Federal Republic of Germany isn’t legitimate and that Germany’s borders and government of 1918 are still legally in effect? Just a minor oversight? We live in strange times. Glad that protests in Germany quickly led to his removal.

    • John Borstlap says:

      German PC culture means that occasionally things get overlooked – because people in charge automatically assume other Germans to be as correct as themselves.

  • Simon S. says:

    They didn’t withdraw the song but the singer. No decision on the song had been taken so far – the plan was to hold a TV show “Our song for Xavier” next year.

  • John says:

    Sure thing he is neither homophobe nor anti-Semitic just a full-blown idiot !

  • Schaffhausner says:

    Why do you call Xavier Naidoo “African and Indian”?

    As Wikipedia notes, “Naidoo’s father Rausammy is from India, who has half Indian and half German origins and his mother is of Dutch and Irish descent.” Where is Africa in that equation? Is it because he sings r&b and soul music?