Met names new radio host

Met names new radio host


norman lebrecht

August 13, 2015

Mary Jo Heath (l.) will succeed the late and much-loved Margaret Juntwait, it was learned today.

Ms Heath presented most of last season’s operas while Ms Juntwait was fighting cancer. She died in June, aged 58.



  • Emma says:

    Mary Jo did a wonderful job this past season, in what was a difficult and sad situation. I miss Margaret J. terribly and still feel her loss, but I’m happy for Mary Jo and look forward to many more Met Opera seasons with her on the helm of radio broadcasts.

  • Vaquero357 says:

    Well, Ms Heath seemed to do pretty well last season. Wouldn’t be fair not to tap her for the job.

    Margaret Juntwait was very good host – very knowledgeable but down to earth, never pretentious, didn’t talk down the audience.


    ….I still miss Peter Allen.