Grace Bumbry is back singing in Salzburg

Grace Bumbry is back singing in Salzburg


norman lebrecht

August 14, 2015

The magnificent mezzo, 78 years old at her last birthday, has made her home in Mozart town.

On August 23, she will take part in a performance of excerpts from Messiah and St Matthew’s Passion at the Salzburger Dom. Admission is free.

Wish we were there.

grace bumbry

Grace Bumbry with soprano Elena Kononenko and baritone Fernando Araujo


  • Peter says:

    “Wish we were there.”

    Are you sure?

    78 is respectable and I wish Frau Bumbry all the best. But the voice, how good is her voice?

  • Una says:

    Probably better than some 30 year olds with her technique she had in the past!

  • Stephen says:

    She was a superb actress as well as singer. I particularly remember the Salome she sang for Solti at Covent Garden.