Lucerne Festival photographer has died

Lucerne Festival photographer has died


norman lebrecht

July 23, 2015

Lebrecht Music & Arts Photo library announces with great sadness the passing of Georg Anderhub,  our superb performing arts photographer based in Lucerne, on 19 July 2015 aged 66.

We send our deepest condolences to his mourning family and friends. He worked with the Lebrecht photo library for many years and was always on hand to help us with special requests for the great musicians and conductors who passed in front of his insightful camera lens.

Georg’s close friend and colleague, Suzie Maeder, has written to us:
A brilliant photographer, he was not only a professional colleague but a friend since childhood. After graduating from the same high school in Lucerne we both embarked on a career in photography. Georg studied in Zurich whilst I moved to London. He first joined the Luzerner Neuste Nachrichten as a staff photographer but went freelance in 1994.  

His love for music and theatre enabled him to create portraits of incredible insight and creativity and he has documented the Lucerne Festival since 1973. In books, newspapers, magazines and exhibitions his reportages about a wealth of subjects were published and shown. Georg was a superb visual storyteller.




  • PDQ.BACH says:

    Immensely sad. He was still in his prime.

    What I always admired about Georg Anderhub was his caustic visual wit and bone-dry, deadpan humour.
    Not your run-of-the-mill high-gloss concert photographer.
    His talent for debunking is best seen in his “Syrian PinUps” series.