‘Emotional’ scenes as 22 cellists make the Tchaik Competition cut

‘Emotional’ scenes as 22 cellists make the Tchaik Competition cut


norman lebrecht

June 15, 2015

Medici’s social media links are down so the competition is circulating a photographed sheet of successful candidates.

The best known among them is Leonard Elschenbroich, partner of the Scottish violinist Nicola Benedetti.

cello finals

We’ll update as soon as we get a legible list.



UPDATE: Here goes:

Amosov, Fedor Russia
Cho, Brannon USA
Buzlov, Alexander Russia
Cornut, Tristan France
Crawford, John-Henry USA
Elschenbroich, Leonard Germany
Ferrández-Castro, Pablo Spain
Haga, Sandra Lied Norway
He, Sihao China
Ioniță, Andrei Ionuț Romania
Kang, Seung Min South Korea
Kobekina, Anastasia Russia
Lim, Hee Young South Korea
Ni, Tao China
Philippe, Bruno France
Roozeman, Jonathan Netherlands
Cañon Valencia, Santiago Columbia
Ramm, Alexander Russia
Sendetsky, Ivan Russia
Stadler, Alexey Russia
Szabó, Ildikó Hungary
Ueno, Michiaki Japan
Worlitzsch, Valentino Germany
Zhilin, Alexei Russia
Khamidullin, Rustem Russia



  • I Walsh says:

    Fedor Amosov
    Santiago Canon Valencia
    Brannon Cho
    Tristan Cornut
    John-Henry Crawford
    Leonard Elschenbroich
    Pablo Ferrández-Castro
    Sandra Lied Haga
    Sihao He
    Andrei Ionuț Ioniță
    Seung Min Kang
    Anastasia Kobekina
    Hee Young Lim
    Tao Ni
    Bruno Philippe
    Jonathan Roozeman
    Ivan Sendetsky
    Alexey Stadler
    Ildiko Szabo
    Michiaki Ueno
    Valentino Worlitzsch
    Alexei Zhilin
    In addition to these 22 candidates, three other cellists will participate in the First Round of the Cello Competition: Alexander Buzlov, Alexander Ramm and Rustem Khamidullin.

  • La Donna del Largo says:

    It’s not over until the swimwear portion of the competition.

  • Sara Nathan says:

    He’s also a Menuhin School alum

  • Musician says:

    Good luck to Mr. Harrell and Mr. Ma who are sitting on this year’s jury who have to listen for so many excruciating and tedious hours to these cellists. Shouldn’t THEY be practicing?