High notes: Renee renews

High notes: Renee renews


norman lebrecht

May 15, 2015

Larry Johnson has good tidings from Chicago.

Renee Fleming will continue as Lyric Opera’s creative consultant through 2017.

Among other things, the soprano and national treasure is launching a ‘multi-year, multi-faceted project’ to nurture young voices.

renee fleming fairy

Chicago’s fairy godmother


  • PrewarTreasure says:

    Aside from her vocal talent, Renée has perfected the art of infectious communication, and is utterly charming too.

    I was delighted to read this happy news: a welcome change from reading obituaries!

  • Aslanis says:

    We don’t need to “nurture young voices”, conservatories, grants, competitions do that. What singers need are JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!