Barenboim’s label flies free Argerich video

Barenboim’s label flies free Argerich video


norman lebrecht

February 18, 2015

Daniel Barenboim launched Peral last April with a view to reaching audiences the music industry hasn’t tapped. It’s all gone quite since then and, some feared, peral-shaped. But the latest offering is a stunner – and it’s free. You (probably) watched it here first.

barenboim argerich2


  • Tal says:

    The video is not opened to all geographic location, so the title is a bit misleading.

  • M2N2K says:

    Thank you very much, Norman – it was a pleasure to hear and see. The way that every square centimeter of the stage was occupied by the audience members, I was surprised there were no listeners seated under the two pianos! The two most accomplished Argentinians in classical music, performing together in the best Argentinian concert hall – this must have been a major event in their capital.