Vanessa-Mae is most successful Olympian since Eddie the Eagle

Vanessa-Mae is most successful Olympian since Eddie the Eagle


norman lebrecht

February 18, 2014

No athlete has obtained so much Olympic coverage for so poor a result since the British ski-jumper who in 1988, came last in everything. The former crossover violinist came last today at Sochi in a field of 74. On the peak of a publicity mountain, she has remade her reputation as a loser. But credit to her for the physical effort, and credit to the publicists for the push. What next, the Schoenberg concerto?



  • Simon says:

    AFAIR you promised to keep us protected form such things. 😉

  • bdlancaster says:

    Mr. Lebrecht,

    While I can appreciate that many do not take her seriously as an artist, your ridicule of Vanessa Mae is uncalled for. There were 7 “serious” athletes who never made it to the bottom of the run. I would challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and attempt something such as this on a world stage before criticizing someone else. To represent your country in such an event, knowing full well you have no chance to win, is laudable. Saying, “If I have no chance of winning, I’m not going to try,” is the wrong attitude. Much of life is about competing against yourself, your limitations, and about pushing yourself.

  • PrewarTreasure says:

    bdlancaster wrote, addressing Mr Lebrecht:

    “……….I would challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and attempt something such as this on a world stage before criticizing someone else…………”

    Oh but he does, Mr Lancaster, frequently!

    Here’s a clip we took a couple of years ago whilst on holiday (under his oft-used alias, Mattias Giraud – Norman shuns publicity you know)

  • Derek Castle says:

    Naughty Norman! And at your age. You should realise not everyone can take a joke. I’ve just seen V.M. talking to BBC News and she was totally relaxed about it. I’m sure the England cricket team will tell you “It’s not about winning, it’s about taking part” (nudge nudge, wink wink!)