A prodigious conductor has died, aged 93

A prodigious conductor has died, aged 93


norman lebrecht

January 05, 2014

Milan Horvat was the formative chief conductor of the radio orchestras of Ireland (RTE) and Vienna (ORF) and, back home of the Zagreb Philharmonic and Zagreb Opera. He taught at the University of Graz in Austria, where his star pupil was Fabio Luisi, now music director of Zurich Opera. His best-selling (though least distinguished) recording was the Rachmaninov D minor concerto with the Australian, David Helfgott.

He died at Innsbruck on New Year’s Day.




  • Michael says:

    One of the great men in music. He will be missed, and mourned.

  • Georg says:

    I had the honour to record with him about 10 years ago…. he was a remarkable personality!

  • Fabio Luisi says:

    Thank you Norman for your note. Maestro Horvat was my only teacher and a great conductor. I will miss him.