Oh, no! Now it's Israeli women stripping in solidarity with an Egyptian exhibitionist (update)

Oh, no! Now it's Israeli women stripping in solidarity with an Egyptian exhibitionist (update)


norman lebrecht

November 21, 2011

First, we all go nude for Ai Weiwei, who is being persecuted for his art.

Now we’re being asked to get kit off for an Egyptian who likes to take the air on Facebook. Read here and here. Needless to say, the Daily Mail website has since milked the story for sleaze and CNN will direct you to Ms Mahdi’s raw material, titled A Rebel’s Diary (warning: explicit content).

I’m not sure what point it is she’s trying to make at the very moment when people are being killed in Cairo for demanding political reform. It does seem a bit peripheral and self-indulgent, but not to the sisterhood across the Sinai border.

You see what I meant in the Ai Weiwei protest about the disinhibiting impact of social media? We don’t begin to understand the mass psychology. Back to Canetti.

Israeli women have stripped off in support of an Egyptian blogger who posed naked


  • awh says:

    (We’re) all sheep longing for a flock.