The day The Sun got it right

The day The Sun got it right


norman lebrecht

September 09, 2011

Say what you like about Rupert Murdoch’s Currant Bun, but sometimes it nails the issue with unerring precision. Most media today wittered sympathy for the paltry fine let-off awarded to the loudmouth racist. Not The Sun:

Dior havin’ a laugh

£20m Galliano fined £2.64 for racist rants

Racist rant ... John Galliano

By NICK PARKER, Chief Foreign Correspondent, and DAN SALES

Published: Today

DISGRACED Dior designer John Galliano was let off yesterday over his vile anti-Jewish and racist rants.

A French court convicted the 50-year-old fashion guru — caught raging on a Sun video — but ordered him to pay just one euro (88p) to his three victims. That is £2.64 in total.





Galliano, sacked as Dior’s chief designer over the scandal, was convicted of “casting public insults based on origin, religious affiliation or ethnicity” following two ugly incidents in a chic Paris bar.

He could have been jailed for six months and fined £20,000.


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