Call for Italian ban on the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
mainA coalition of pro-Pal groups, including the Italian campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel and the Naqba Remembrance Committee, have called for this week’s Israel Philharmonic concerts in Milan and Turin to be banned. It quotes, by way of justification of the half-truths and equivocations, used by those who sought to ban and later to wreck the IPO concerts at the BBC Proms. The protestors promise to make ‘a garrison’ in Milan and Turin on the nights of the concerts.
I attach the appeal, followed by a Google translation (it’s not worthy of anything better).
The orchestra meanwhile, has continued its tour to Germany and Switzerland without disruption and evidently quite happily. Read its blog here.
photo: Mischa Maisky with IPO players
Comunicato stampa 9 settembre 2011
Oggetto: Settembre Musica ignora, come il Salone del Libro, il problema dei
diritti umani
Nell’ambito di Settembre Musica 2011 si terranno due concerti della Israel
Philarmonica Orchestra (IPO) diretta da Zubin Mehta, il primo a Milano, il 13
settembre 2011 alle ore 21.00, al Teatro degli Arcimboldi, il secondo a Torino,
il 14 settembre 2011 alle ore 21.00, all’Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli –
La Israel Philarmonica Orchestra (IPO) continua a prestare i suoi servizi
all’esercito suonando per i soldati israeliani nei loro avamposti militari.
Sul sito dell’IPO si può leggere “The IPO plays in subscription series, … and
special concerts for IDF soldiers at their outposts”. (L’IPO suona in stagioni in
abbonamento … e in concerti speciali per i soldati israeliani nei loro
Il PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel)
ha più volte sottolineato la complicità dell’IPO nel coprire le continue
violazioni israeliane del diritto internazionale e dei diritti umani e la sua
partecipazione alle campagne di propaganda del Brand israeliano, come quella che
si è svolta a giugno con l’occupazione israeliana di piazza del Duomo a Milano
Israele continua ad occupare militarmente la Cisgiordania, Gerusalemme e la
Striscia di Gaza. In totale sprezzo del diritto internazionale, ha usato e
continua a usare la forza militare per annettere nuovo territorio, confiscare la
terra dei palestinesi e costruire insediamenti illegali.
Le numerose risoluzioni dell’ONU approvate dal 1947 non hanno mutato la
situazione. I governi del mondo non hanno fatto nulla per porre fine
all’occupazione israeliana.
Il 9 luglio 2005 la società civile palestinese ha rivolto alla comunità
internazione un invito a fare quanto è stato fatto a suo tempo per rovesciare il
regime di apartheid in Sudafrica, una campagna di boicottaggio, anche culturale,
di disinvestimenti e sanzioni contro Israele.
Per queste ragioni chiediamo a MI-To Settembre Musica 2011 di cancellare i
concerti dell’orchestra dell’esercito israeliano.
In ogni caso, effettueremo un presidio il 13 a Milano e il 14 a Torino, a
partire dalle 19.30, per contestare la presenza dell’orchestra israeliana e per
condannare l’insensibilità morale delle istituzioni culturali milanesi e
torinesi, come è avvenuto a Londra in occasione del concerto alla Royal Albert
Hall l’1 settembre u.s.
Circolo Internazionalista di Torino
ICACBI, Italian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
ISM-Italia (International Solidarity Movement – Italia)
Comitato Ricordare la Nakba
Torino, 9 settembre 2011
Press Release September 9, 2011
Subject: Music skips in September, as the Book Fair, the problem of
Human Rights
As part of Music in September 2011 there will be two concerts of the Israel
Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) conducted by Zubin Mehta, the first in Milan, 13
September 2011 at 21.00, at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, the second in Turin,
September 14, 2011 at 21:00 in the Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli –
The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) continues to provide its services
Army playing for the Israeli soldiers in their military outposts.
IPO on the site you can read “The IPO plays in the subscription series, and …
special concerts for IDF soldiers at Their outposts. ” (The IPO plays seasons
… subscription and special concerts for the Israeli soldiers in their
outposts “)
The PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel)
has repeatedly stressed the complicity in covering the ongoing IPO
Israeli violations of international law and human rights and its
participation in the propaganda campaigns of the Brand Israel, like the one
took place in June with the Israeli occupation of the Piazza del Duomo in Milan
Israel continues to occupy militarily the West Bank, Jerusalem and the
Gaza Strip. In total disregard of international law, has used and
continues to use military force to annex new territory, confiscating
Palestinians’ land and build illegal settlements.
The numerous UN resolutions passed since 1947 have not changed
situation. The world’s governments have done nothing to end
Israeli occupation.
On July 9, 2005 Palestinian civil society has turned to the community
internally an invitation to do what has been done in the past to overthrow the
apartheid regime in South Africa, a campaign of boycott, also cultural,
divestment and sanctions against Israel.
For these reasons we ask to MI-To Music September 2011 to remove the
concerts of the orchestra of the Israeli army.
In any case, we will make a garrison in Milan on 13 and 14 in Turin,
Starting from 19.30 to challenge the Israeli presence and orchestra
condemn the moral insensitivity of cultural institutions in Milan and
Turin, as happened in London during the concert at the Royal Albert
Hall on September 1 u.s.
International circle of Turin
ICACBI, Italian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
Italy-ISM (International Solidarity Movement – Italy)
Remember the Nakba Committee
Turin, September 9, 2011