An orchestra the government says 'is not worth keeping'
mainIt’s the orchestra of Extremadura in western Spain, almost toppling into Portugal. Artistic director is Jesus Amigo, of Bilbao.
It’s the only orchestra within miles, but it’s facing the chop. Perhaps because it’s relatively young, founded in 2000. Last in, first out.
Here’s its last-ditch appeal against execution.
That is bad news. OEX is based in Badajoz and serves the several cities of the Exremadure region. I conducted them few years ago and I found them to be a fine orchestra with many good young players. I urge everyone to sign the petition.
if politicians would understand anything about culture this would be a much better and civilized world.
I was the orchestra’s first guest-conductor back in 2000. I have been back since, but not as often as I wished, because the orch. always gave me wonderfull work and is one of the kindest groups of people around.If this orchestra is disolved then it will be cultural erosion for Extremadura which will end up making Extremadura into a cultural desert.The real hero will be the politician who can save this orchestra.Sign the petition.
If Extremadura is hostile to musicians, you might want to try Calgary:
Home to Roberto Minczuk, by the way.
Unfortunately this is happening in other areas of music as music schools, conservatory budgets , etc. I think that the solution is not to destroy the cultural life . But it seems politicians consider culture the first victim ….