Brazil orchestra crisis: the latest international protest

Brazil orchestra crisis: the latest international protest


norman lebrecht

June 07, 2011

The BBC National Orchestra of Wales are being required to play a concert with Roberto Minczuk, the conductor who has dismissed half the members of the Brazil Symphony Orchestra and has been boycotted in consequence by leading soloists.

Like the players in Liverpool and Odense, the Welsh musicians are going about their business as true professionals. But before they sat down to play, they sent the following letter to their colleagues in Brazil.




To the Musicians of the Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira,


Roberto Minczuk is this week appearing with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales as guest conductor.


We, the Musicians’ Union members in the orchestra, have given a letter to him expressing our feelings on the way he has treated you and urging him and the OSB management to enter into negotiations with you and SINDMUSI.


We write to you now to offer our support in this difficult time. The miles and oceans that separate us do not diminish the concern we have for you in this situation.


We will continue to monitor events in Rio and hope that the efforts of our own Musicians’ Union, FIM, SINDMUSI and others in the international musical community will bring about a satisfactory resolution to this dispute.


We must stress that the views we express are ours alone and should not be construed as in any way representing BBC policy.


With best wishes,


Ian Fisher

Chairman of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales Players’ Committee




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