Madrid has twice as many premieres as the Met

Madrid has twice as many premieres as the Met


norman lebrecht

July 31, 2018

The Teatro Real has announced its new season.

From the Real press office:

Next season the Teatro Real has ten co-productions from the Teatro Real, seven of which will have their premiere in Madrid: Turandot (Nicola Luisotti/Robert Wilson), Idomeneo (Ivor Bolton/Robert Carsen), Falstaff (Daniele Rustioni/Laurent Pelly), Capriccio (Asher Fisch/ Christof Loy), La peste, by Roberto Gerhard (Juando Mena/Dora García), Con que voz, by Stefano Gervasoni (Nacho de Paz/Oscar García Villegas), along with the world premiere of Je suis narcisiste, by Raquel García Tomás (Vinicius Kattah/Marta Pazos). The remaining the co-productions have had their debut in the theatres which share these with the Teatro Real: Faust (Dan Ettinger/Àlex Ollé), Only the sounds remains, by Kaija Saariaho (Ivor Bolton/Peter Sellars), and Il trovatore.

The Teatro Real completes the opera season programme by inviting three productions from other theatres ─Das Rheingold (Pablo Heras-Casado/Robert Carsen), La Calisto (Ivor Bolton, Christopher Moulds/David Alden)) and Dido & Aeneas (Christopher Moulds/Sasha Waltz)─ with a further two operas in concert version: Agrippina and Giovanna d’Arco.

At the Teatro Real 74.6 % of the annual budget (21.813.771 euros) is self-financed and only 25.4 % comes from public funding.


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