Baltimore Symphony gives blood for Houston

Baltimore Symphony gives blood for Houston


norman lebrecht

September 03, 2017

Message received:

This Monday, Labor Day, from 12-2pm, the Baltimore Symphony Musicians will visit the American Red Cross Timonium Blood Donation Center and provide live chamber music for donors. The Red Cross center is located at 2405 York Road, Suite 300. The Baltimore Symphony Musicians are extremely concerned and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded this past week. Following disasters, blood donations in affected areas drastically decline and the Musicians call on our friends and fans to support the Red Cross and help with this urgent need for blood and platelets.

On Monday, donors at the Timonium Red Cross center will have the opportunity to help save lives during this critical time with the unique addition of live classical chamber music. The Baltimore Symphony Musicians want to bring awareness to this need for donations. We also share concern for our fellow colleagues in the Houston Symphony, Houston Grand Opera, and other Houston cultural organizations whose members and buildings have been severely impacted by this store.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact me at any time. You may also visit for details.

Thank you.

Michael Lisicky
Baltimore Symphony Musicians



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