At Bayreuth, Brünnhilde is replaced by man in Götterdämmerung

At Bayreuth, Brünnhilde is replaced by man in Götterdämmerung


norman lebrecht

August 29, 2017

Audience members tell Slipped Disc that the British soprano Catherine Foster was injured during the struggle at the end of Act 1 of Götterdämmerung at Bayreuth last night.

She sang the last two acts of the opera on crutches from the right wing of the stage.

A male assistant director, Andreas Rosar, dressed up in a glittering gold dress to act the rest of the part on stage.

It was the season’s closing performance.

Catherine has posted this message: Twisted too fast left to come out for a bow and calf went ‘pop’ so a ripped muscle – nowhere near as bad as the right leg last year though! Lots of ice and Arnica and it’ll be fine 

We’re waiting to see pictures of her stand-in.


UPDATE: Here’s one.


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