Sad news: Chief Met Opera negotiator has died

Sad news: Chief Met Opera negotiator has died


norman lebrecht

January 02, 2016

The American Guild of Musical Artists has announced the death of Alan Gordon, a union official whose firmness and patience with the Metropolitan Opera and its general manager Peter Gelb averted a lockout in the summer of 2014. Alan, who was 70, was well-liked on all sides of the tables.

Message from Jimmy Odom, President of #AGMA:

It is with great regret and deep sorrow that I must inform you that on Friday, January 1, AGMA National Executive Director, Alan Gordon, passed away. Alan suffered a stroke on Wednesday and passed quietly in his sleep Friday morning. Arrangements for services are still pending. I know that you will join with me in offering thoughts and prayers for Alan’s family at this difficult time. Fraternally yours, Jimmy

alan gordon agma



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