Breaking: New boss in Wales

Breaking: New boss in Wales


norman lebrecht

August 05, 2015

We’ve been hearing murmurs of discontent coming from the office of Peter Bellingham, managing director of Welsh National Opera. Apparently, money’s flooding out faster than it’s coming in and relationships have broken down.

The news is that Peter has quit. He’s to be replaced by Leonora Thomson, director of audiences and development at London’s Barbican Centre and former head of press.

Peter is thought to be in line for the chief executive vacancy at Glyndebourne.

What goes round…

welsh national opera chorus


  • Peter Phillips says:

    A mixed story here. The performance standards are higher than they have ever been but the company seems to doing more music from the operas at the expense the operas themselves. The visits to Swansea have ended so WNO essentially service Cardiff and a number of English venues. This has been one of the finest opera companies in Europe with a magnificent orchestra and possibly the best opera chorus outside Vienna and the Met.