Breaking: Vienna’s New Year’s Day concert is women-only

Breaking: Vienna’s New Year’s Day concert is women-only


norman lebrecht

December 17, 2024

A new ensemble, La Philharmonica, is putting on an alternative Vienna concert on New Year’s Day, we are informed.

Seven women members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra will play works by women composers at 4pm at the Ehrbar Saal.

The featured composers are Leopoldine Blahetka, Constanze Geiger and Mathilde Kralik, with a Johann Strauss waltz thrown in to mark the poor neglected chap’s bicentennial.

The idea for the concert comes from musicologist Irene Suchy, but this must be the first time that women from the Vienna Philharmonic have organised in a manner that may be construed as critical of the orchestra’s male hegemony.

The players are:

Lara Kusztrich, Adela Frasineanu, violins
Ursula Ruppe, viola
Ursula Wex, cello
Andrea Goetsch, clarinet
Sophie Dervaux, bassoon

(Always turn first to for real news about women in music.)


  • John Borstlap says:

    I recently bought those shoes in the picture and they’re great! Only, you cannot climb stairs with them, or walk on the street, or doing your shopping, and using an elevator is truly embarrassing because people bend over and inspect your feet.


  • Murray Citron says:

    When the Bay Area Women’s Philharmonic began to perform, they found to their dismay that there weren’t enough orchestral works by female composers to make full programs, so they (reluctantly I’m sure) began to include music by males…until they realized the futility of the enterprise and folded up.

    • Saxon Broken says:

      There are plenty of works by women to perform. But there isn’t always a ticket-buying audience willing to pay to hear the pieces.

  • IP says:

    Let them in and they will drive you out

  • Sulio Pulev says:

    Woke culture have no future. We saw New Year Vienna concert because its male dominated .If ots dissappear or is women only we will switch to Marinskiii or Bolshoi.

  • Anonymous in NYC says:

    This is fantastic. Glad to hear!

  • WU says:

    I attended a concert of “Philharmonic 5”, May 24, in the Mozart Hall of Vienna’s Konzerthaus. 3 men, 2 ladies, mix of Quartets/Solo numbers, and the ladies were presented very very well. Obviously the 3 male members of VPO “forgot” about moving them in the background (?) … or they simply might not have a problem with being just musicians in 2024 and thus omitting the problem some people obviously cannot live without or try to detect everywhere. In this New Year’s afternoon concert 5 outstanding musicians will play interesting music not (very well) known plus a popular “Zuckerl” for the audience. Cool idea.

  • Cecilia says:

    In the mid 1960’s I played the inaugural, and only, concert of the Boston Women’s Symphony on the Esplanade.

  • Sly says:

    Inclusion isn’t enough, the entire movement is to take over, dominate, not get along, cat fight, burn it to the ground. You know, Needlemania style.