Pictures from Sean Rafferty’s last show

Pictures from Sean Rafferty’s last show


norman lebrecht

December 07, 2024

The musos turned out in force for Radio 3’s final In Tune with Sean Rafferty.

A couple of Dames and some heroes of the bow and string.

See how many you can name.



  • Ian Bostridge says:

    Will be sorely missed. A legend.

    • Jk says:

      SO good, they’ve replaced him with two presenters because what you REALLY want driving home is the sound of lots of nonsense witterings and pally banter. BBC really hate when one presenter gets too much soft power. (Steve Wright put an incredibly positive spin on his own pre-retirement downgrade then passed, God bless him. Meanwhile Ken Bruce stuck two fingers up and flourished) Auntie doesn’t seem terribly keen on the natural aging process. Output must be controlled within increasingly political boundaries. Broad appeal or bust. Come next November, expect Trelawny to be engaged in some sort of epic charity bike ride whilst Derham whispers his progress live on air with The Flight of The Bumblebee playing in the background.

      • Ralph Stroud says:

        It appears that they have replaced Sean Rafferty with Petroc Trelawny who I happen to like. Reading your comment last night I feared the show would ape one of the TV breakfast shows. Fortunately this is not the case and the format will remain the same.
        It is not so fortunate for the listener that they have replaced the wrong presenter. Katie Derham was back on this evening, like an Allo Allo tribute act with her pretentious French and Italian accents for composers and their works.
        I wouldn’t mind so much if she was consistent and used a Slavic accent for Czech and Russian composers. Or an Asian accent for Chinese performers, but for some reason she doesn’t.
        I agree fully with all you say, and we are the losers.

        • Derek O'R says:

          I would dearly like to align myself wholeheartedly with Ralph’s comments.
          I am feeling a mixture of, more BBC ..” we’ll do what the hell we want to..” and despair of the attitude quite common it seems in the corporation ..” What a splendid job the listeners think you’re doing, ratings are great so..goodbye.
          It’s the arrogance of the executives that really should be addressed by us,the folk who effectively ,pay there wages.
          How old is Donald Mcleod?
          How old is that beautifully gifted interviewer..Michael Berkely .
          Don’t even think of the great communicator of both radio & T.V..Sir David?.Surely he should have been shown the exit door of Broadcasting House, years ago !
          Do we think any decision makers at the BBC ,ever read these comments?.
          Thanks for listening.

        • paul burton says:

          I could not agree more. Katie Derham was an ITV newsreader and it shows. I cringe at some of her pronunciation. In one BBC proms extract I have she introduces soprano Venera Gimadieva as “Gimme a diva” Not good enough!

  • Such a travesty says:

    Such a travesty that Sean has been removed. I will miss his voice, his wit and impeccable taste. I hope he is not lost to the airwaves for long.

    • Rose Luff says:

      He was one of the compelling reasons to listen to radio3.No one else comes close.

      • Garry Humphreys says:

        Donald Macleod takes some beating!

        • Ralph Stroud says:

          Kate Molleson has sadly proven you right. I now start each week in trepidation as I wait for Composer of the Week. If it is the soothing tones of Donald Macleod I breathe a sigh of relief. If it is Kate Molleson it is a groan of despair.
          She presents it as if she is addressing a primary school class. I lasted 45 minutes today until she explained what a ‘Pointsetta’ was. This was handy because I had only heard of poinsettias, it turns out a pointsetta is “You know, that gorgeous plant with the very vivid red flowers” A shocking display of ignorance.
          Donald Macleod would never have made that mistake and nor would Sean Rafferty. Replacing erudite presenters with fresh blood makes no sense if they are inferior.
          It is blatant age discrimination and the listener is the loser.

          • Chris says:

            I agree with you — apart from your comment about Kate Molleson. She has a heavyweight musical education, and a voice and accent I could listen to forever.

      • Damian Broderick says:

        Completely agree Rose! I’m really angry at the BBC- they’re messing with what DOESN’T need fixing – the prats!

  • Storm Bungle says:

    Alcohol ?

  • SirGalahad says:

    It was BBC Radio 3 at its best, witty, classy and just so much warmth. Bit like Mr Rafferty himself really.

    • Sheila M Windsor says:

      Yes, Well said. It took a lot to get me away from Sean Rafferty’s show. Presently I am listening to ‘In Tune’ presented by his replacement. The inane banter/chit chat is almost unbearable

    • Derek O'R says:

      Very well said Sir.
      He always came across as the consumat professional.
      What on earth are they looking for..wise cracking drones spouting inane drivel..

  • Simon Keenlyside says:

    The loss of Sean from radio three is as painful as a stone in my shoe. I will miss his wonderful lyrical blarney, humour and knowledge so very much. Happy days to you Sean.

  • Robin Blick says:

    In a class of his own. Old school pro.

    • Damian Broderick says:

      You’re only right Robin – who the hell gets the power to make these ‘decisions??’

    • IAN says:

      So is Petroc, lan and Don

    • Derek O'R says:

      Indeed Robin.
      But now that ,’ old school’s it appears is,’ old hat.
      Class,experience and the ability to hold an audience over many years..counts for nothing.
      BBC radio should awake to the fact that the corporation is, slipping and, they will not/cannot reverse the decline.

  • MikeyS says:

    Radio 3 has really annoyed me in the last 12 months, moving record review to the afternoon and replacing it with two dull programmes. Losing Sean is just a step too far and the music they’re playing now ? clearly programming is aimed at younger generation

  • Raymond Ali says:

    I always found him too glib. Over-talking.

    • Damian Broderick says:

      Shut up Raymond – it’s called charm, personality and PASSION – they don’t mind the talking that 4 months yearly dance programme do they eh?!

    • IAN says:

      Agree and never liked in-tune anyway. Petroc is my fave presenter with Ian Skelly and Don MacLeod

  • William houston says:

    It is obvious that, like the church of England, the BBC is rapidly moving downhill , no need to give the obvious examples pointing the way.I hope Sean says what he really thinks soon.

  • Harrison says:

    Sean Rafferty you will be sorely missed and Johanna Lumley spoke for millions with her beautiful reading of the Yeats poem, good bye and good luck Sean you will be sorely missed, absolute shame on the bbc yet again.

  • RD says:

    He’s irreplaceable. Why try BBC? He is by a million miles the best presenter on radio.

  • Janice Parker says:

    Listening to Sean on my way home from work was a joyful experience. He knew how to connect with his audience and his guests. I will miss him. He’s irreplaceable.

  • Marion Ackrill says:

    I haven’t spotted a single person with the musical perspective or the professional speed, live, of SR.
    Prove me wrong!

  • Ian Hartland says:

    Well worth listening back on BBC Sounds. The warmth of the tributes and celebration of a much loved broadcaster were heartwarming. Hopefully Sean can find a new home soon, as it’s too soon for retirement even at 78!

  • Ali says:

    Why is he leaving
    Brilliant at his job, loved the programme

  • Nigel Wilkin says:

    I have little understanding of music, but found my journey home after long days at work eased by Mr Rafferty’s wonderful programme. His passion for music, and his lucid and eloquent voice, together with his genuine interest in his guests made him such a pleasure to listen to, ( even to a musical numbty as myself) Mr Rafferty irreplaceable and much missed.

  • JohnH says:

    Whilst as a fellow Northern Ireland emigre I’ll miss the warmth of Sean’s voice, he is 77. Radío 3 has to attract a younger audience or be deemed irrelevant with the uncertain future facing the BBC. Better to bow out at the height of your powers. But I’ll still miss the certainty every evening.

    • Derek O'R says:

      Aged 77 and, not relevant Sir.
      You obviously put inexperience and inan drivel over quality, charm and listener appeal.
      Shall you have the Beeb dismiss Sir David Attenborough at 98 yes?.
      One of the greatest wildlife communicators of our time?
      Is he one of your ‘ irrelevant old presenters’ to be sent packing?.

  • Neil Kirby says:

    I’m pleased that Sean went out on his own terms and not Sam Jackson’s, in doing so, he appears to have scuppered the ‘In Tune Christmas Special’ which I have attended regularly and as anyone will know was really Sean at his jocular best and will really be as flat as a pancake without him.

  • Carole Woddis says:

    Young BBC R3 Controller has shot himself in the foot again! Keeps doing it. Sean an absolute jewel. Fancy letting him go. Sam Jackson! Why?!!

  • Bruno K. says:

    Over 20 plus years, Sean Rafferty has helped to shape my life and my love of music. He is (note present tense!) a broadcaster of rare talent: always accessible, yet never pandering and NEVER dumbing down.

    I like Petroc but Sean R. is utterly irreplaceable. I’m genuinely devastated…life will not be the same without him.

    May he surface somewhere soon (and wherever it is I’ll follow him there….he might even make Classic FM listenable!!)

    • Sheila M Windsor says:

      Just a couple of years in my case, otherwise I concur with your every syllable. Do please let me know if you find Sean, in some magical singing field. I’ll gladly meet you there.

    • Derek O'R says:

      I will be right behind you, on- the- dial Bruno.
      He will broadcast again I’m sure, within a station that IS worthy of his talents.

  • Lele Bobeszko says:

    Sam Jackson does not belong on R3. The latter is founded on love of all forms of classical music; intelligence, passion, wit and creativity. It is sad indeed that precious aspects of our culture are permanently removed by people with no recognition of their worth. R3 appears doomed to be led by Sam Jackson into uninspiring homogeny. Sean is loved and respected for his knowledge and love of music. His personality and manner bring humour, lightness and joy to the shows he presents. His treatment, and that of R3 listeners by Sam Jackson is disgraceful.

  • Robert M says:

    Loved his presentation such a warm personality and of course a deep knowledge of music and musicians. Good luck Sean. I miss you already

    • Sue Marshall says:

      I recorded the last “in tune” with Sean, and will listen to it’s joyousness and his voice, whenever I can’t stand the wittering on radio 3 anymore. All the nonsense and drivel has driven me to have silence or listen to my CDs(yes,I love old things). I’ve been a radio3 fan my whole life, and entire duration of radio3.

  • Carol Stacey says:

    I completely agree with these comments about the wonderful Sean Rafferty. Radio 3 will never be the same. He was always an absolute joy to listen to, having such all round knowledge of his subject, such empathy with and love for the music and his guests and made the listeners feel that they were there with everyone in the studio. I will never understand the BBC, they continually get it so wrong – if you have such a highly successful and enjoyable programme, why on earth would you change it?
    Also agree about the inane prattling of so many other presenters!

  • Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange says:

    Shawn Rafferty is not easily replaceable. I will not be so keen to listen to radio 3, which meant so much to us.

  • AndyH says:

    It was bad enough that Martin Handley was binned from Sunday mornings. They will never be the same.
    I will miss those rolling Rafferty Rs but more the warmth, wit and repartee with every world class musician who crossed his path and graced our airwaves.