The best job in music is subbing for Herbert Blomstedt, 97

The best job in music is subbing for Herbert Blomstedt, 97


norman lebrecht

October 27, 2024

From the Hungarian-British conductor Gergely Madaras:

Besides my own performance with the exceptional NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo I was asked to stay for a total of 3 weeks in Japan, to stand by for the world’s oldest active conductor, the 97-years-old Herbert Blomstedt. I was to conduct his concerts in case he was unable to do so. After learning about his health issues some months ago and having considered his exceptional age, I prepared myself for the possibility to take over. Instead, I received a gift, a lifetime memory that I was not counting on.

Herbert Blomstedt not just safely travelled to Tokyo, but during these three weeks, we witnessed a miracle: a masterclass in musicianship and human leadership. He used and worked through all his rehearsals until the last minute, tackling the most important issues on a wide range of repertoire spanning from Berwald to Brahms and from Nielsen to Honegger. He showcased such a crystal-clear artistic vision, mental fitness, technical perfection, impeccable humour, human alertness and kindness, that very few conductors are capable of, regardless of age. Then he conducted 6 concerts with 3 different and probing repertoire with passion, fierce and grace.

It’s been over 10 years since I was last able to sit through an entire rehearsal process where I wasn’t in the main driving seat, and I now realized how much I missed it! And with no other than this giant, who spared no time and energy to talk to me in great length between and after rehearsals, about music and life – spanning through an entire century in his case. Being around him felt like sitting under a century-old oak tree, that has seen it all, but is still breathing out valuable oxygen for our benefit, and is radiating life.


  • Petros Linardos says:

    Herbert Blomstedt is an inspiration to many of us.

    I can’t wait to hear the BSO and NYPO play under his direction next February and March. Going by my most recent experience of his, a 2022 BSO Mozart and Bruckner concert, the motivation is primarily musical. But let’s be honest: it is not only about the music. There is something deeply life-affirming in seeing a quasi-centenarian have such a generosity of spirit and perform at a superior level.

  • Alank says:

    What a magnificent tribute to an incredible artist and human being: Maestro Blomstedt!

  • Kypros Markou says:

    Beautiful and gracious tribute to a wonderful conductor and wonderful human being. I had the fortune to attend his workshop a Loma Linda a while back and still feel inspired by him. Thank you for sharing this.