Canadian wins BBC Young Musician

Canadian wins BBC Young Musician


norman lebrecht

October 20, 2024

Pianist Ryan Wang, from Vancouver, Canada, was tonight proclaimed winner of BBC Young Musician 2024.

Wang, 17, is a student at Eton.

He has been playing since age four.


  • Just saying says:

    Tonight’s final was mediocre at best. All three were technically apt, but none had the real artistic wow factor, and none were moving musically.

    But it’s none of their fault. It’s all because of this year’s highly unqualified judging panel.

    Personally, I’d have put the harpist, cellist and Maya the violinist in. They were far more engaging musicians, and would have lead to a truly unique, memorable final.

    And yet again we end up with (yawn) another stereotypical prodigy pianist who can offer fast fingers and nothing much more.

    • PGTips says:

      I didn’t find him stereotypical at all. He seemed highly intelligent, modest, thoughtful, and gave a remarkably mature account of this difficult piece.

  • Annette says:

    SO moved by him..absolutely heavenly…magical….congratulations…cannot imagine the work he has put in since such a very young age…but they were ALL wonderful…congratulations to them all…

  • Ellianna says:

    Two Rachs was pretty tedious to sit through, but Ryan was the right winner out of the 3.

    AB banging on about how Shlomi will be a world famous violinist one day seemed delusional – the Tchaik was too far beyond him and painful to listen to for quite significant chunks.

    And if I hear HCJ say an iteration of ‘vibe’ ever again I will be switching the whole thing off next time.

    I’ve always made time for BBCYM but god they make it hard to enjoy it don’t they!

  • Melo says:

    The total dumbing down of BBCYM. Sad to see a panel which was, as well as partly unqualified, also totally incomplete (where were the string, woodwind and percussion specialists in the previous rounds?). If their discussions were as shallow as portrayed on TV (Jess having to remind them to choose woodwind players was a particularly low point…), they have really let a lot of musicians down. Well done to all the musicians that made it through the rounds though, this has nothing to do with them but with the BBC for turning a world class competition into a very shallow one.

  • PGTips says:

    Rather a brief news item!