A bassoon is stolen in Brooklyn

A bassoon is stolen in Brooklyn


norman lebrecht

October 07, 2024

From Sara Schoenbeck, a teacher at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music:

Someone stole my constant companion from me in Brooklyn today (ed. Sunday). They took my soulful, beautiful and irreplaceable Heckel Bassoon, serial #9703.
Please spread the word!


  • John Borstlap says:

    Why would a burglar, in his right mind, steal a bassoon? The reason must be sought in the realm of psychopathology rather than a musical obsession.

    While classical music gets more vulnerable to critique from outside, it seems that there is an increase of criminals’ attention for musical instruments.

    We are waiting for a research program that reveals the connections.

    • Davis says:

      Are you certain “classical music gets more vulnerable to critique from outside,”? I am increasingly certain that classical MUSICIANS suffer this unfortunate vulnerability. It could be they just don’t get “outside” enough. I’m sorry for the stolen bassoon.

  • Instrumentalist says:

    I am so sorry to hear that your bassoon has been stolen! This is undoubtedly an irreplaceable instrument. Hope it will be found, unharmed.

  • Alank says:

    High likelihood the thief has no idea of what he took. Will probably wind up in a pawn shop sold for a couple of hundred dollars. Let us hope it ends up with an honest business person. BTW a new Heckel is more than $75K and I am told that there is a 17-year waiting list. At the very least I hope she has it insured for full replacement value. Good luck from a fellow Bassoonist (although not a professional one)

  • Larry says:

    Yes, the villain(s) will have gone for a probably quality case. Could be mistaken for something else, but the wrong people take anything not nailed down.
    A Heckel is a dream instrument for a bassoonist; hopefully it will be recovered safely.

  • V.Lind says:

    Wonder how this theft took place — from rehearsal hall, home, back of car?