Scotland hires anti-Israel pianist

Scotland hires anti-Israel pianist


norman lebrecht

October 01, 2024

The activist Australian pianist Jayson Gillham, who provoked a crisis at the Melbourne Symphony with an anti-Israel diatribe, has been invited to join the staff of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland as Lecturer in Keyboard.

‘There is nothing more rewarding and inspiring than working with the next generation of talented young musicians!’ he says.

The college will presumably keep an eye on some of his wilder teachings.


  • Michael says:

    I have no problem with this…

  • Horowitz says:

    Those that can’t, inspire tent cities on Renfrew St.

  • Iain says:

    She’s an appropriate choice for Scotland in 2024.

  • Tadhg says:

    Wilder teaching like “genocide is wrong.”

    • Larry says:

      Why say he’s anti-Israel when he’s anti the way a war is being conducted by Israel? It may not have the same ring to it but it’s closer to the truth. It helps us when journalists try to be a bit more diligent about these things.

    • Father Ted says:

      Tell us more about the struggle for peace, Tadgh… The Irish know too well about resisting occupiers – though they were awfully fond of AH in the 1940s…

    • Andrew J Clarke says:

      Genocide is certainly wrong, such as requiring a Judenrein area from the Jordan to the Mediterranean or killing unarmed civilians at music festivals. On the contrary, Mr Netanyahu’s military operations against Hezbollah have been carried out with almost surgical precision against a specific enemy who happen to be Arabs or gay Australian pianists in need of publicity.

    • David Steinberg says:

      Not so much. Perhaps you might have a problem with his rape denial, reposting of Hamas twitter accounts and reposting of Russian misinformation sources like Caitlin Johnstone (Russia Today). Just look at his social media accounts, it’s a litany of extremism.

    • Starman says:

      Beep beep…

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    There is no problem with him joining the faculty in Scotland. He might wish to know his employment opportunities are fewer in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and elsewhere in that region, except Israel.
    If he stops a student mid-phrase, raises his arms and begins mourning Nasrallah—it seems probable—the students should be forewarned. Hopefully he will not mix politics with curriculum.

    While I have already forgotten his name (Jayzen?), he has found a way to cut through the noise of the performing arts world and plant his feet into a pile of tabloid standard relevance.
    Bravo! All publicity is good publicity

  • Morgan says:

    Anti-Israel diatribe? I think his comments were on Netanyahu”s war-like actions.

    • yaron says:

      No, he just hates Jews.

    • John Borstlap says:

      … which are a defensive war against terrorist clubs fed by the insane regime in Iran who are fighting an aggressive war.

      Some reading makes such things very clear.

    • David Steinberg says:

      Not so much. Most of us can get on board with hating Bibi. Perhaps you might have a problem with his rape denial, reposting of Hamas twitter accounts and reposting of Russian misinformation sources like Caitlin Johnstone (Russia Today). Just look at his social media accounts, it’s a litany of extremism.

  • Jonathan B says:

    To be honest, if even Slipped Disc describes his expressed opinions as political rather than racist (anti-Israel rather than antisemitic) then he is doing something right.

  • Al Jayzeera says:

    What’s he going to teach them? He’s crap, that’s why he doesn’t perform anywhere; not even MSO.

    If only his playing were as passionate as his love of antisemitism.

  • Nathaniel Wolloch says:

    He’s not anti-Israel, he’s antisemitic. And so apparently are the Scots. This cheap trick of saying “criticism of Israel isn’t antisemitism” doesn’t work snymore, evrn when srlf-hating Jews use it. October 7 showed everyone that antisemitism is alive and well, and has been growing particularly on the political left. On october 7 millions of antisemites all over the world were celebrating, even before Israel began defending itself. This pathetic excuse of a human being, Gillham, or whatever his name is, has found a good fit in Scotland. A country of about 5.5 million people with close to 120,000 Muslims, and only about 6,000 Jews. I’m sure he’ll find many avid studrnts of classical music smong the former, particularly women wearing niqabs.

  • Reid says:

    If speaking out against the murder of journalists makes him anti-Israel, so be it. Over a hundred journalists have been killed in Gaza. That is outrageous.