Stars sign on for Greta Thunberg cruise

Stars sign on for Greta Thunberg cruise

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

October 01, 2024

The climate protest group Greenpeace is bragging the capture of two music icons – British six-time Grammy winner Jacob Collier and Norwegian alt-pop superstar AURORA – for ‘a magical performance in the Arctic, released today.’

The stars appear together on a platform floating amidst icebergs in front of the imposing glacier, Sveabreen, Svalbard. They perform a haunting mash-up of their two songs, A Rock Somewhere and The Seed, in a rallying cry for ocean and climate protection.

Jacob Collier said: ‘The moment I heard about an opportunity to jump aboard one of the legendary Greenpeace ships, head to Arctic waters, and sing a song with one of my favourite artists next to a mighty glacier, I knew I was signing up for something special. What I hadn’t foreseen was quite how transformative and moving the experience would be, and how much it would teach me – musically, energetically and environmentally.’


  • Rustier Spoon says:

    Now there’s a REAL star, Jacob Collier, the very best of the best.

  • guest1847 says:

    Ooh everyone in this comment section will be civil and not deny science

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Billy: ‘Just a thought experiment: There will be a concert in a far away place, potentially dangerous. If a polar bear wants to take its dinner from the concert audience, are you allowed to shoot it? Or should one be in solidarity with the bear and feed it? With whom, then?’

    Cousin Gilda: ‘Stop kidding, Billy. You know that only vegetarians or vegans are allowed to participate in Greta’s events, so only polar bears who are vegetarians will be welcome.’

    Billy: ‘Oh yes.’

  • Simon Scott says:

    I despise Greta Thunberg. She is nothing but a squalid nuisance.

    • V.Lind says:

      I doubt she is squalid, and I feel fairly sure her intentions are good.

      What’s wrong with Greta Thunberg is not a young person getting excited about an issue and making the legitimate claim that things done today affect her future more than those of the people doing whatever they are doing today.

      It is that adults who are in sympathy with her viewpoint have made her seem a sage, when of course she has no scientific background or expertise — she is a child with a position.

      If she has been a “nuisance” it has been because she has been an effective campaigner, and that has been because adults have happily ceded the front of the campaign to her.

      Anyone who denies climate change is a fool and a liar, but there are still scientific proofs required to lay the causes out for good and all.

      Nothing is gained by going after the wrong targets.

  • Jewelyard says:

    Thunberg is nothing more than a wild-eyed truant schoolchild who should have spent more time
    in school. She is a Hamas applogist, an Anti-Semite, and should have no platform on the world stage whatsoever.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    How about practising what you preach and leaving nature alone, you bunch of hypocritical narcissists?

  • Tamino says:

    It would need much less energy, and disturb arctic wildlife less, if they filmed the acts in a studio and superimposed it electronically on the iceberg backdrop…