Conductor waves white flag at Vienna Opera

Conductor waves white flag at Vienna Opera


norman lebrecht

September 27, 2024

So vociferous were the boos last night for Kirill Serebrennikov’s new production of Verdi’s Don Carlo that, before Elisabeth’s 4th-act aria Tu che le vanita’, conductor Philippe Jordan speared a white cloth with his baton and waved it to the audience in a gesture of surrender.

Observers says nothing like it had ever been seen before. The barracking of the production began with the first sight of the austere set and rose in volume through the performance.

Asmik Grigorian and Eve-Maud Hubeaux stood out as Elisabeth and Eboli. Roberto Tagliavini sang King Philip.


  • Potpourri says:

    This production is scheduled to be shown on and ORF III on September 29.

  • Victor says:

    I look forward to the stream on Arte on 29th I’ve seen pictures it dosnt look awful by some of today’s standards

  • Paul Dawson says:

    Disrupting a performance is most anti-social conduct. There’s plenty of opportunity to express one’s feelings at the end of the performance.

    The white flag was an interesting innovation. Did it have any effect?

  • Real musician says:

    Serebrennikov makes tremendous movies. ‘Tchaikovsky’s Wife’ was magnificent (apart from the very end). Funny how all the conservative prehistoric snowflakes always complain about the visuals of new opera productions…almost as if they go to the opera not to listen to music with their ears, but to look with their eyes ! It’s like people who complain when movie adaptions of books change things compared to the source material. Personally, I couldn’t care less wether an opera production uses sets and costumes form the 18th century or not. What matters most to me is the sonic result, the music

  • sue says:

    He already did this at tne Paris opera during the Trojans some years ago.