LSO St Luke’s to shut for a year

LSO St Luke’s to shut for a year


norman lebrecht

September 26, 2024

I attended the former church last night for a concert by the ‘radical’ Manchester Collective, a string quartet playing works by contemporary British composers.

Nothing to frighten the horses, though I was much taken with a piece describing London at 3am, the work of Jocelyn Campbell, and another called Five Postcards by newly installed royal composer Erollyn Wallen.

What did alarm me was how dark and dangerous the churchyard felt at dusk, and how uncared for.

The LSO have slipped out a press release, letting it be known that LSO St Lukes is to shut for ‘transformation’. Reopening: Autumn 2025.


  • V.Lind says:

    Islington shouldn’t be that dangerous. Maybe the transformation could include exterior lighting.

  • Mystic Chord says:

    I love this venue and will really miss the wonderful concerts there. They really should build a decent cafe and bar at the same time.

  • Simone says:

    Much needed, the facilities there need an upgrade – quite apart from the landscaping.