I’m a New York musician. I have two fulltime jobs

I’m a New York musician. I have two fulltime jobs


norman lebrecht

September 26, 2024

From a Barrons interview with Weston Sprott, dean and director of the Preparatory Division at the Juilliard School, and trombonist in the Metropolitan Opera orchestra.

I balance full-time teaching at Juilliard and full-time performing with the Met Opera Orchestra by…

The concept of “balance” went out the window a long time ago for me, but I find joy and fulfillment in all my work. I’m surrounded by wonderful people who are talented and industrious. It’s not lost on me that spending my day trekking back and forth between Juilliard and the Met is a unique privilege.

My pre-performance ritual… ranges. Sometimes I’m coming from Juilliard, sometimes the gym, sometimes dinner. Two things are consistent: I have a very regimented warm-up and fundamental routines that I expand or compress depending on the intensity of the upcoming performance.

Also, the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra has one of the longest running poker games in America. We play at every intermission. It’s a great way to connect with colleagues, and it brings levity to our workplace.

Weston is co-founder of the Black Orchestral Network.


  • Simone says:

    Have you ever heard of a portfolio career or the gig economy? Stop bleating about your already entitled existence, get on with your life and leave us to ours. Thank you.

    • Kman says:

      Bleating about an entitled existence? He was being interviewed, and one of the questions was about having two jobs. And he answer was abundantly gracious.

    • Lawrence Goldman says:

      Nobody forced you to read the interview.

    • V.Lind says:

      What’s wrong with you? It doesn’t sound much like bleating to me — sounds like the answer to a question and a happy person speaking of how busy and fulfilled and privileged he feels.

    • A says:

      Like, whut?? The guy is doing the job of two people, plus more, is good at it, admits that it brings him joy, and that’s somehow “entitled”? Nobody is forcing anyone to read this interview…
      Hope your day improves.

    • Herr Doktor says:

      Lighten up. He wasn’t complaining. He understands how fortunate he is.

      Living in a place of gratitude for one’s circumstances and possibilities is a great place to be.

      • Simone says:

        He’s just a person of colour that made it and is now crowing about his good fortune, big deal.

        These people can never just be gracious in their silence can they? There’s always something to say (like the commenters on this blog, yes myself included ironically). See – aren’t we all wonderful?

  • Patrick says:

    Between Juilliard and the Met isn’t much of a trek…