Maestro woe: Semyon Bychkov has back operation

Maestro woe: Semyon Bychkov has back operation


norman lebrecht

September 19, 2024

The Czech Philharmonic has lost its music director for the opening of the season while he undergoes back surgery.

The first three concerts will be conducted by Charles Dutoit.

Bychkov, 71, will be incapacitated for a month.


  • Anton Bruckner says:

    Dutuoit rehabilitated?

    • Don Ciccio says:

      Dutoit has continued to conduct in Europe even after his unofficial ban. Mostly second-rate orchestras, although the Czech Philharmonic is an obvious exception.

  • anon says:

    It never ceases to anger me when I read a concert announcement and see the name of a man who assaulted a personal friend. Dutoit should not be working.

  • J Barcelo says:

    Seems there are a lot of conductors who suffer back ailments. Solti had it really bad. Conducting teachers needs to have their students emulate the master of the baton: Sir Adrian Boult. He used his fingers and a lengthy baton and made a reliable, clear, precise beat – and it didn’t wreak havoc with his body. Boult once referred to Rattle as “one of the sweaty ones”.