Gaza trouble at 92nd Street Y

Gaza trouble at 92nd Street Y


norman lebrecht

September 19, 2024

Five staffers have resigned and one has been fired for wearing pro-Palestine propaganda at work.

The arts centre, founded in 1874 as a Jewish facility, hosts many classical music performances.

Story here.


  • Come on says:

    Come on, have you even read the article Norman…?

    92NY is on thin ice here, citing a ‘neutral policy’ and that staff shouldn’t show any leanings to political or social causes…

    Whilst having an Israeli flag flying in the lobby and seeking donations for the Friends of the IDF on their own website.

    Whatever your views on Israel/Palestine, you’re having a laugh if you think management/board is playing fair here.

  • Herr Doktor says:

    Stifling dissent rarely achieves the desired ends. The fact is, MOST of my Jewish friends are aghast at Israel’s response to the October 7 attack (though not all of them for sure). Most agree that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is nothing less than war crimes (no matter how justified Israel’s attacks against Hamas may be). And most believe that Netanyahu is as bloodthirsty and evil a person as Hamas’ Sinwar. Both Netanyahi and Sinwar belong in jails for the rest of their natural lives – and then for another 50 years afterwards. In fact, they should be forced to share a cell together.

    • Save the MET says:

      Truly ignorance is your bliss. It is war, Hamas brought it upon their people by attacking Israel in the most heinous way. The Gazans allow them to operate from their land. Hezbollah decided to join in of their own volition. No one wins with terrorism, especially the people who live in the area in which they operate. Finally as of this week, the terrorists are terrorized.
      No one avoids suffering in war, there is no such thing as a gentle war.

      • What happened to democracy? says:

        And just who was it who kept funding Hamas?

      • What happened to democracy? says:

        Headline in The Times of Israeli: “For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces.”

        Article here:

      • V.Lind says:

        Was Hezbollah “in this” until provoked? And who could possibly condone the pager attacks?

        Although the start of this war is ENTIRELY down to Hamas, I doubt ordinary Gazans have much choice as to where they operate, or how.

        The prosecution of this Israeli response in such a vigorous, to put it charitably, way, probably has as much to do with Netanyahu’s wish to keep himself from further investigation and prosecution for corruption in his own country than to anything external. That is utterly unforgivable; there is no end to the lives he is prepared to sacrifice, including those of the Israeli hostages, in his self-interest.

    • Gabriel Parra Blessing says:

      Ah, gotta love those “my Jewish friends” comments. FYI, the overwhelming majority of Jews worldwide support Israel and its just war against the Gaza savages. Just today, the New York Times published a poll with results that would have been unthinkable just a year ago: Jews in *New York* support Donald Trump by a ten-point margin, which is a direct consequence of the Biden-Harris administration’s wishy-washy “support” for Israel since 10/7. Facts don’t care about your feelings, Herr Hitler.

  • Solomon Golding says:


  • Moenkhaus says:

    This is a thoroughly Jewish organization. What in the world are members of the watermelon mafia doing working there anyhow?

    • V.Lind says:

      Presumably they are all Americans who labour under the impression that they are as entitled to their views as their pro-Israel colleagues are to theirs. It seems they are wrong; despite some attempts to secularise the 92nd Street Y, its first commitment remains to its founding sources.

  • Karden says:

    The politics are all over the place.

    Both a lot of the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel and anti-Hamas/pro-Israel camps can either flip-flop or share their ideology at the drop of a hat. Or reflect the essence of cognitive dissonance.

  • Fred Funk says:

    It’s a Jewish heritage organization.

    This is at will, conditional employment.

    If you don’t share their views, and values, don’t work there.

    Might wanna change out your pager, or smartphone if you provide aid, comfort, and support to those that attacked them.