Franz Welser-Möst is ordered to rest

Franz Welser-Möst is ordered to rest


norman lebrecht

September 18, 2024

The conductor will miss the first three weeks of the Cleveland Orchestra season, having returned unwell from its European tour.

His replacements will be Osmo Vänskä, Elim Chan and associate conductor Daniel Reith.

The deceptively youthful Franz Welser-Möst, 64, underwent treatment for a cancerous tumour a year ago. He will step down as Cleveland music director in 2027 after a record 25 years in charge.


  • Continental Breakfast says:

    These turbo cancers. I wonder what could have caused them? Hmmmmmmmm……….

  • Don Ciccio says:

    Last time that I saw him, after the Vienna Philharmonic Carnegie Hall concerts at the beginning of March, he did not look so youthful.

    I don’t say that to denigrate. Alas, age and such a horrible disease as cancer take a toll on all of us.

    Let’s wish him a good recovery and many more years of making music.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    This isn’t good!! I hope the maestro remains fit and well.

  • Lorenz1060 says:

    Or one could just say “the deceptive Franz Leopold Maria Möst.”