Breaking: Yuja dumps her agent. Again

Breaking: Yuja dumps her agent. Again


norman lebrecht

September 16, 2024

The peripatetic pianist, presently on tour with the London Symphony Orchestra, has erased her global management Intermusica from her website.

Intermusica, who have yet to remove her from their artists list, are not responding to inquiries.

Yuja, on the whole, never stays more than 2-3 years with any management.

At Intermusica she seemed to be happy with day-to-day management by Kirsten Mackay, but Kirsten left two months ago and Yuja, insiders say, has not been satisfied since.

Before Intermusica she was with Dudamel’s management Fidelio Arts and before them with Earl Blackburn at his boutique, called Kanzen.


  • 100 Pieces says:

    Whoever takes her on should be prepared for a serious challenge. I’ve heard it’s constant management around the clock, and it’s exhausting! Best of luck to them – they’re going to need it!

    • operacentric says:

      Which, of course, is hardly news to anyone managing a top-tier artist.

      • 100 Pieces says:

        There’s a difference between an artist being difficult and complicated, and an artist being impossible! No matter where she moves next, I can bet that in a few years, or even sooner, Norman will be posting that she’s moved again!

    • the other management says:

      I’d take her in a heartbeat, haha. Great talent comes at a price.

    • Maria says:

      What specific management activities does she require that other top artists don’t?

      • Ben says:

        A lot of top artists require serious hand holding, not just the technical requirements. It can be exhausting for boutique and even bigger agencies. What she needs is an assistant.

  • Santipab says:

    Nevermind this, what we really want to know is why she wore sunglasses to play with the LSO last night?

    • Petros Linardos says:

      Good luck finding out. Meantime: what did you think of her interpretation of the Chopin 2nd concerto?

      • Santipab says:

        I wasn’t there, just read a review and it seems a bit odd!

        She was playing the Rachmaninov 1st on Sunday and the Chopin 2nd is on Thursday in London so we’ll see.

        • Petros <Linardos says:

          Who cares, sometimes short term medical issues are addressed with sunglasses. Or is the old fad back?
          I heard Yuja play the Rachmaninov 1st a year and a half ago, magnificently.

  • just saying says:

    Oof…that’s definitely a “get out of my face” look in that picture lol

    • V.Lind says:

      Are you kidding? That’s her smiling — it’s as good as it gets.

      • Petros Linardos says:

        I am with you, partly. I see a tired face trying to have a decent expression for the photograph. That’s decent behavior, personally and professionally. Yuja is a pro at many levels, even though some of her wardrobe suggests otherwise.

  • Heiko Who says:

    Nonsense. She joined Intermusica almost six years ago.

  • Yuja a Toughie says:

    She’s known to be high maintenance.. in her career and DEFINITELY in her relationships.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Isn’t this her business entirely?

    • Petros Linardos says:

      Of course, and none of our business. But since when did her love life and personal business choices get in the way of blog coverage and gossip?

  • Nick2 says:

    Have not a number of other major artists switched managements with some regularity? I seem to recall that Jessye Norman fitted in to that category.


    La donna e mobile…

  • EarthisRound says:

    Wow! Yuja got old. She aged so fast.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    Artists are like babies: absolutely adorable, charming, and lovable – up until and not including the moment when they want their diaper changed! Then they become intolerable monsters, and remain so until they get what they want. Forget all reason and diplomacy – just deliver, or else!!

  • Save the MET says:

    Perhaps “the mercurial pianist” is a better descriptor.