Death of US-Estonian conductor, 63

Death of US-Estonian conductor, 63


norman lebrecht

September 15, 2024

After a childhood in Soviet Estonia, Viljar Puu Weimann won a place at the Cleveland Institute of Music and went on to play violin and, eventually, to become a conductor.

In 2014, Weimann founded Orchestra Sul Ponticello in the city of Decatur, Alabama.

He said: ‘”As humans, we live lives we are accustomed to. You go hunting because your dad took you hunting. You go fishing and to football games for the same reason. You like certain foods because you grew up eating them. The same is true with music. People will listen to what they are familiar with. Sadly, not many people are familiar with classical music, but we are going to change that.’

Weimann died this weekend, aged 63.


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Awful. Far too young.