Next week’s anti-antisemitism concert

Next week’s anti-antisemitism concert


norman lebrecht

September 13, 2024

The Hamburg Elbphilharmonie has  just released artist details:

Against Silence. Against Anti-Semitism
Mon, 16 September 2024, 20:00, Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall

Solidarity concert featuring Igor Levit (piano), Malakoff Kowalski (piano), Johanna Summer (piano), Alan Gilbert (violin), Antilopen Gang (band), Efrat Alony (vocals), Dirk von Lowtzow (vocals), Olli Schulz (vocals & guitar), Wolf Biermann (piano & vocals), Thees Uhlmann (vocals & guitar) alongside Michel Friedman, Tim Mälzer, Düzen Tekkal, Ronya Othmann, Giovanni di Lorenzo

Please note: this event takes place in German.

On the initiative of Igor Levit, the Elbphilharmonie is making an appeal to humanity with a solidarity concert on Monday, 16 September 2024. Numerous artists will gather on the stage of the Elbphilharmonie Grand Hall to protest against the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany. The concert will be broadcast live in the Elbphilharmonie Mediatheque from 20:00 (CET) and will be available on demand afterwards. 

An increasingly blatant anti-Semitism has also been observed in Germany since 7 October at the latest; hatred and incitement are booming. Since then, artists led by Igor Levit have intervened several times to counter contempt for humanity with the power of art and the spirit of cooperation. Now music will be played, spoken and read together on stage at the Elbphilharmonie. All the artists involved want to set an example that is not merely symbolic. The proceeds from ticket sales will go to OFEK e.V., a counselling service specialised in anti-Semitic violence and discrimination, and to the Stiftung Bornplatzsynagoge, a foundation whose new building of the Bornplatz Synagogue is a symbol of hope for the future of Jewish life in Germany.


  • Solomon Golding says:

    Any ideas as to what’s caused the supposed rise in anti-semitism?

    • yaron says:

      Jews beeing perceived a soft target?
      The fact that rich governments and organisations spread it for decades?

    • Michael says:

      It’s more of a awareness of a minor religion/culture committing genocide…how primitive these actions are…I stopped attending the CSO…until this is resolved!

      • Aaron Axelrod says:

        Even if one agrees with you re genocide, Jews around the world are not responsible for what is happening in Israel, and your insistence of collective responsibility is every bit as primitive as the Israeli far-right.

      • yaron says:

        1. There is no genocide.
        2. Israel us a state – not a religion and not a culture .
        But you do know that, you just do not care.

      • Robin Blick says:

        Genocide is the deliberate killing of all or a major part of a race. According to (unverified) claims by Hamas, around 50 000 Gaza Palestinians have been killed in the current Gaza war…1.5% of the Gaza population of 2.5 million, and 0.3% of all Middle Eastern Palestinians, who number around 10 million. So what genocide are you referring to? There is one Hamas has in mind for the Jews, as promised in Article Seven of its Covenant, and demonstrated on October 7.

      • David says:

        Yes, a really smart antisemite who endorsed a book by another notorious antisemite and when called out on it responded:
        “Again, to be perfectly clear, [Gillad Atzmon] has no animus toward Judaism as a religion or with individuals who are Jewish by birth.”
        Judge for yourself, as here are Atzmon’s own words about himself:
        “Atzmon has defined himself variously as “not a Jew anymore. I indeed despise the Jew in me (whatever is left)”,[43] a “proud self-hating Jew” in the style of Otto Weininger,[44] “a Jew who hates Judaism”,[45][46] and as “a Hebrew-speaking Palestinian”.[47]

        • Tamino says:

          All problems of hate and violence between groups of people start, where nationalism, ethnicentricity, chauvinism etc. put such values ABOVE the highest value of our common humanity. First of all we are all humans, not Jews, Germans, Aryans, Americans, Klingonians, whatever.

        • Tom Phillips says:

          The subhuman genocidal racist Gilad Atzmon is also a pro-Hitler Holocaust denier who has in many writings openly JUSTIFIED Hitler’s policies saying in one screed that “Hitler was right after all” and has regularly described himself as “Anti-Jewish”. He belongs behind bars for his death threats to Jews.

        • Michael says:

          You are human by birth…

      • Michael says:

        Bottom line…the Hebrews are not Gods’ chosen people…WE are ALL Gods’ chosen people

      • Genius Repairman says:

        Oh this is just another post by a “Michael.” Michaels have been a real problem throughout history and there were Michaels involved in the tumaltous events of the Lisbon earthquake, the Anti-Spanish Inquisition and the breaking of the nose of the Sphinx of Giza. As a born Michael myself, I am proud to call myself Matthew and have tried to expunge those remnants of Michael that cling to me. Remember this, dear friends, whenever you are angry with a Michael there is always good reason!

        (Satire: there are a few good Michaels out there!)

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      No, none whatsoever. It’s a complete mystery. Just one of those things; just one of those crazy things; one of those bells that now and then rings.

    • Pianofortissimo says:

      Easy question: Anti-Semitism has always been there, but it became low-bred to be anti-Semitic after Auschwitz. Now people who care less about being fine have spread everywhere.

  • Barry says:

    Interesting comments. We can disagree about the circumstances surrounding the war between Israel and Hamas, but how does any side in that debate excuse anti-Semitism in Germany or any other part of the world? What do Jews in other places have to do with the war?
    Seems more like the war is being used as an excuse to unleash old, underlying prejudices.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Yes, probably, but in today’s world it is especially social media which whips-up group think and channels individual frustrations into group scapegoating, which seems to offer a relief to the patients.

      • V.Lind says:

        It’s more than that, because the scapegoating is all one way. Barry is right. There is a prejudice here that would appear to have been suppressed for a long time but has, given a trigger, exploded.

        I don’t condone much of the way Israel has prosecuted its response to the massacre of October 7 and the subsequent murders and abuses of hostages now held almost a year. But there is, or should be, a distinct and easily distinguishable difference between what a government with very murky agendas does and the ordinary lives of people innocent of as much as demonstrating in their favour.

        I find it frightening. Ugly, that anti-Semitism exists at all, and very alarming that it seems to be getting free rein — I am not old enough to have seen the consequences of the last time that happened in a big way but I am old enough to have read about them, and discussed them, and learned to fear them. Today’s students would appear to have read nothing, making them very vulnerable to every cretinous conspiracy theorist with a social media account.

  • RW2013 says:

    Levit will open the concert with… Chopin.

    “Warum spielen Sie kaum etwas von dem populären Klavier-Komponisten Frédéric Chopin?”
    Levit: “Chopin spiele ich gar nicht! Es ist gewiss geniale, wunderbare Musik, aber nicht die musikalische Sprache, in der ich mich pianistisch artikulieren kann.”

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Levin has joined the Greens; the most antisemitic political outfit in the western world!!

  • Skeptic says:

    Antisemitism has done more for Mr. Igor than even his sycophantic, enabling press agents Maren Borchers and her ilk. Without being able to screech “antisemitism” every 15 seconds, he would never have been able to garner as much press as he has. No-one, and I mean no one needs a concert with the likes of Malakoff Kowalski (a no-talent new-music fake), Wolf Biermann (a washed up old communist that even the Germans are sick of), and all these other no-names. The real purpose of these “events” is to keep platforming Levit as some sort of social do-gooder and a “mensch”, likely in an effort to undo the increasing industry and public awareness than in fact, he’s a narcissistic, bitter prat who plays about the same as any average no-name pianist you might here on an average night with any average regional orchestra. His entire shtick is his outrage, his victimhood and his twitter account (as for the second charge above, just have a look at his twitter account, where he regularly claims to have “cried all day” about this or that). Please don’t be fooled.