Theater an der Wien delays reopening

Theater an der Wien delays reopening


norman lebrecht

September 10, 2024

Message received:

After two and a half years of construction, the renovation and modernization of the Theater an der Wien has been completed and we are looking forward to celebrating the grand opening on October 12, 2024. In order to guarantee a smooth interaction between the complex stage technology and all technical areas, a large number of training courses, inductions, test runs, stress tests and safety checks are necessary. This intensive process will take several more weeks and will unfortunately affect operations in the first few months. This leads to the following changes in the schedule:

The stage productions W. A. ​​Mozart’s Idomeneo, Robert Schumann’s Paradise and the Peri and Pierangelo Valtinoni’s family opera The Little Prince cannot take place as planned this season.

Of course, you will receive a refund for the amount of your purchased tickets.


  • Joel Kemelhor says:

    From the recording I have of “Paradise and the Peri,” I am curious how it could be staged. It lacks the viable characters found in the Berlioz “Damnation of Faust,” which is why the Schumann seems more of an oratorio.

    • Herbie G says:

      Me too Joel. The same could be said of Schumann’s ‘Genoveva’; lots of lovely music but lacking in real drama. And the same goes for Schubert’s operas.

  • Herbie G says:

    These project overruns are par for the course in Britain – but I would not have thought they were rife in Germany and Austria. Are they the same as we are, and am I just thinking of a bygone age?

    • Nik says:

      Elbphilharmonie Hamburg: 6 years behind schedule, 11 times over budget
      Berlin Airport: 9 years behind schedule, 3.5 times over budget
      Stuttgart 21: 7 years behind schedule, 3 times over budget
      A few weeks delay opening the ThadW hardly compares!

    • Officer Krupke says:

      Hahaha! For further reading, search Cologne Opera!

  • Pedro says:

    I hope they will manage to present Norma with Gregorian and Aigul in February. I’ve got tickets for that.