Kaufmann cancels

Kaufmann cancels


norman lebrecht

September 07, 2024

Just in:

The event JONAS KAUFMANN & Slovak Philharmonic, which was supposed to take place on 8th September 2024 at 7pm, is postponed due to health reasons of Mr. Kaufmann for a new date on 4th September 2025 at 7pm. Tickets remain valid. In the event of an unsatisfactory alternative date, customers can request a refund. This application must be submitted by 20th September 2024 (inclusive). Customers who have purchased tickets through the predpredaj.sk website will receive this information by email. In case of non-delivery of the email, check the spam / spam folder or contact reklamacie@predpredaj.sk




  • Micheline Marcantonatos says:

    I truly hope Jonas is OK. We all love him and wish him the best.

  • Brian says:

    As Larry Tucker once said of his client Montserrat Caballe, “Jonas Kaufmann is available for a limited number of cancellations.”

    • M2N2K says:

      Wasn’t it said first about the great Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli? Anyway, in JK’s case it should actually be “unlimited” these days.

  • Joe Civitano says:

    End of a great career is now in sight.

  • Larry L. Lash says:

    With all due respect to those who we miss dearly, I was a close teenage buddy with Bruce Zemsky, whose notorious sense of humour once got us kicked-out of a Met “Il trovatore” …

    Bruce once said that three highest-paid people in opera were Birgit Nilsson, Franco Corelli, and Caballé’s gynaecologist.

    I never quite understood all the ado about Kaufmann cancelling. Maybe I’ve just been in the right places at the right times, but he’s never once cancelled a performance for which I had a ticket (including his Bayreuth Lohengrin).

    I have a ticket to hear him sing “Die schöne Müllerin” (with Rudolf Buchbinder) at Musikverein on 21 September, for which, as of 16:40 on 08 September, tickets are still on sale. I’ll be keeping an eye on my email inbox …

    P.S. Truly stunning Mahler I and “Verklärte Nacht” at Grafengg last night, with Gatti and a very appreciative Staatskapelle Dresden (who declined their first bow and, with the backs of bows tapping wood, gave Gatti an early solo). Encore: Intermezzo from “Manon Lescaut”!

  • Roger Rocco says:

    When he’s confident and well, he’s a marvelous singer. But he has been an inconsistent performer throughout his career. I heard him crash so bad once that I thought he would never recover his career.