Half of UK musicians no longer play in EU

Half of UK musicians no longer play in EU


norman lebrecht

September 02, 2024

The Musicians Union has published some research showing that 59 per cent of their members no longer find touring Europe to be financially worthwhile. Three-quarters of those who worked in the EU before Brexit said their bookings had declined.

The baritone Simon Wallfisch said: ‘I took it for granted as a young musician that I could work as easily in Munich as I could in Manchester. It is devastating to see how young British musicians today will never experience the world-is-your-oyster mentality I felt as a young musician, finding my feet in the mid-2000s.’

More here.


  • henry williams says:

    maybe the labour government
    will bring us back to Europe

    • La plus belle voix says:

      The UK is still in Europe as far as I know. But your thought is a noble one, even if the chances of you guys rejoining the EU are fat at best.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      You’ve never left Europe, just the EU. Not the same thing.

    • Maria says:

      They won’t and very naive to even think so. Never good in life to go backwards. Many don’t want to go back into the self-serving EU and their commissioners, but no reason why not partnerships like there was before ever we joined. It’s a lot more than just giving classical musicians work and a two week.holiday in Spain spending Euros.

    • Robert says:

      The EU doesn’t need the UK and, after one Brexit on a whim, they can never trust that the UK won’t turn everything upside down again on their next whim.

  • Stantheman says:

    Totally agree – and speaking as an aged audio-producer who had the extraordinary privilege to work all over Europe (and beyond) on many fabulously-varied projects, (and also as a performer who toured widely with both classical and rock bands), it’s clear to me that we completely SHOT OURSELVES IN THE FEET with that deeply-regrettable ‘insular-minded’ vote back in 2016. Our cultural life has clearly been massively diminished and consequentially all our youth will surely suffer. PLEASE can we join again?

  • Roger Rocco says:

    It has always been difficult for performing artists to find work but it’s much more so now. The world is evolving into a cyber reality that provides alternative form of entertainment. My work as a studio musician ended when the PC was developed and replaced 30 musicians with a keyboard.

  • Gordon Thompson says:

    But our freedom from Johnny Foreigner wurf it, innit?

  • Music Lover says:

    Perhaps Mr Wallfisch could apply for German citizenship, to which (as the descendant of a persecuted person) he is entitled?

  • Mark Mortimer says:

    What a shame- because there ain’t any work in the UK for most of them currently.