Win!…. a handshake from Lang Lang

Win!…. a handshake from Lang Lang


norman lebrecht

August 25, 2024

The latest promo gimmick from the indefatigably commercial pianist:

Hi everyone, it’s Lang Lang here! 

I am thrilled to invite you and a friend to an unforgettable evening at Carnegie Hall’s opening night in New York on October 8, 2024! I very much look forward to meeting you in person backstage after the concert, in which I’ll be performing with the incredible Los Angeles Philharmonic and maestro Gustavo Dudamel.

Flights (from anywhere in the world) and a 2-night hotel stay in New York for two people are included!

I look forward to meeting you in New York and sharing this extraordinary evening with you.

See you soon,
Lang Lang

Experience an unforgettable evening at Carnegie Hall’s opening night in New York on October 8, 2024.
Receive 2 tickets for the sold-out concert with Lang Lang, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Maestro Gustavo Dudamel.
Meet Lang Lang in person after the concert for the champagne toast and personal photo.
Flights (from anywhere in the world) and hotel (2 nights in New York) for 2 people are included.


  • CRWang says:

    Shake those perfumed wet clammy hands.

    • Margaret Koscielny says:

      His hands are not as you describe. They are soft and warm I know. I shook hands with him after his debut with the NY Phil. I was first to do so. If his hands are “wet and perfumed” for folks shaking hands with him from further back in the line, they might well be so from adoring fan’s hands!

      Why, all the animosity towards this talented musician?

    • chet says:

      Is it a prize or a punishment?

      I think I’d prefer being hooked up to electrodes at Guantanamo Bay than to hearing Lang Lang banging away seeing Dudamel’s head bobbing up and down watching the LA Phil aimlessly sawing away…

  • Michael says:

    You buy raffle tickets and all the proceeds go to Lang Lang’s charity that promotes the benefits of musical education.

    Well done to Lang Lang for using his global fame to raise money for such a worthy cause.

    I’m in.

    • NoFan says:

      Not sure where lang lang spent his “music education “ money. He surely received a lot in the past. He got paid multi-million being a speak person for a cheating online piano learning company; Toured in china and recruited 100 Kids to play in group in those concerts (each paid more than 1000 US dollar for 5-min group play !)

      For those who did not know the fees he charged, yep he did it under the big name “‘music education”.

  • Willym says:

    Every time I see both the manner of “reporting” and comments concerning certain performers on here I am reminded that Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

  • GuestX says:

    That’s rather more than a handshake!

  • V.Lind says:

    “Indefatigably commercial” suggests someone engaged in self–promotion for profit. This is participating in a raffle that offers a very tasty prize, with proceeds going to a worthy cause.

    That’s how many charities work.

  • Michael says:

    ,,,is that some sort of weird code…

  • Question says:

    Does anyone know the painting behind Lang Lang in the video?

  • Jeffrey Biegel says:

    It’s all in fun, folks. Going in a different direction, as I get older, the things I think about include two thoughts. First, something said by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz to his son, Craig: “Do you think they’ll remember me?” And, second: How will I be remembered? I imagine Lang Lang will be remembered for igniting a movement in young people playing piano, and for his personal interpretations of music. The evolution of music includes getting the next generation inspired to make music. I applaud him for this legacy above all else.

  • Dan oren says:

    What’s “incredible” about the LA Phil.?

  • David says:

    I don’t see where the problem lies…There’s nothing fraudulent or scandalous about this whatsoever. Lang Lang is a star pianist that many would love to hear and meet.

  • Nick2 says:

    A very short window for a winner who might just need to apply for a visa for entry to the USA.

  • Guest Conductor says:

    Because the Langshake comes with all expenses paid flights and hotel for two nights to tour NYC including tickets with backstage access to a show at Carnegie Hall…how do I enter this contest?!?

  • Herbie G says:

    In 1888, an Edison phonograph was demonstrated to Sir Arthur Sullivan and he was invited to say a few words into it. He said ‘For myself, I can only say that I am astonished and somewhat terrified at the result of this evening’s experiments: astonished at the wonderful power you have developed, and terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music may be put on record for ever’.
    I suspect that, confronted with a new-fangled computer and all this composing and notating software, he would have said the same thing. He was right the first time and, had this second hypothetical encounter taken place, he would have been right the second time too.

  • Herbie G says:

    Sorry, I mistakenly submitted the Sullivan anecdote to this thread when it should have been posted on the thread about the musical software being withdrawn.

    As far as the Langshake goes, it’s marvellous that he is raising money for a good cause. I have been to many charity concerts where all money raised from ticket sales goes to the charity and the players give their services free. It’s great too that the LL concert is sold out – but will all the proceeds go to the charity?

    I have also been to concerts where one can buy raffle tickets and where the draw is held in front of the audience – and where there are several prizes donated by local shops and other businesses. I have occasionally gone home with a bottle of wine, some CDs or a voucher for a meal for two at a local restaurant. But not one of these concerts offered a handshake from the performer, conductor or other musicians as a prize.

    I accept that Lang Lang is one of the greatest keyboard technicians but (and this is entirely my personal opinion, of course) I am not that keen on hearing him and I would be even less likely to enter a worldwide raffle for which the first prize is a trip halfway round the planet to go to the concert and shake hands with him thereafter. In fact I would not even do so to shake hands with Brendel, Pires, Uchida, Argerich, Schiff and many others whom I would rather hear.

    Whatever are the merits or demerits of Lang Lang’s pianistic prowess, I do find it somewhat arrogant to offer his handshake as a prize, and just to swell the mass of downvotes I shall inevitably get for this lese majesty, I would make so bold as to suggest that the second prize should be two handshakes from Lang Lang!