Boutique agency signs its third composer

Boutique agency signs its third composer


norman lebrecht

August 22, 2024

Primo Artists has added composer-conductor Joel Thompson to its roster. He joins Wynton Marsalis and Valerie Coleman on the New York-based list.

Primo’s founder Charlotte Lee says: ‘Joel Thompson is a brilliant composer and humanist, and one of the most important and promising voices of our time. His work is bold and socially engaged, telling modern stories in brilliant, stirring, and truthful ways. Embracing America’s multi-layered musical heritage but deeply rooted in the here and now, his writing is not only intelligent, sophisticated, and deeply transcendent, but also startlingly beautiful and everlasting. We look forward to working with Joel, in collaboration with Just a Theory Press, on supporting the breadth of his work as a composer, conductor, pianist, and educator and building on what is undoubtedly going to be a significant career and legacy in the canon of classical music.’


  • John Borstlap says:

    A very talented guy.

    But the real genius is Mrs Lee, because she knows already that Mr Thompson’s music is everlasting. What takes music history many years, sometimes ages, through the storms of the real world, she hears in one eye wink.

    What always amazes me is that so many people in music life think that ‘deeply rooted in the here and now’ is a positive accolade, while the evidence all around tells quite another story.

    • GuestX says:

      Does “deeply rooted in the here and now” cancel out “embracing America’s multi-layered musical heritage” in your view? Anyway, flowery hyperbole is the native language of artistic agents.

      • John Borstlap says:

        Agents are poets….. dreaming-up whole worlds of imagination. Numerous are the performers who read their marketing blurbs with trembling hands, because of the new requirements suddenly appearing on the horizon.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    Go, Primo!!!