Salzburg gave tenor weekend pass to close the Paris Olympics

Salzburg gave tenor weekend pass to close the Paris Olympics


norman lebrecht

August 12, 2024

When the Swiss French tenor Benjamin Bernheim sang the Hymn to Apollo at the Paris Olympics closing show he had been given a weekend leave of absence by the Salzburg Festival.

By rights he should have been singing in Tales of Hoffmann on Satursday night.

His Salzburg jump-in was Léo Vermot Desroches.


  • MJA says:

    I’m a little puzzled by this post as the premiere of ‘Tales of Hoffman’ in Salzburg is not until tomorrow (13 Aug) so I’m wondering how “by rights [Benjamin Bernheim] should have been sing in [the production] on Saturday night” just gone and had to be substituted by Léo Vermot Desroches.

  • chet says:

    Fauré wrote one piece for the ages, the rest, meh.

  • Willym says:

    Dear me, your fact checker is asleep at the wheel. The Hoffmann has yet to open.

  • Spectator says:

    Obviously, this was done with the approval of the festival, because they, too, must understand the scale of it.

    Do you really think a general rehearsal (after a pre-dress and multiple other stage rehearsals are completed) is more important than the once-in-a-life-time chance of singing for the Olympics? Also, pretty certain it’s considered a civic duty….

    Personally, I was thrilled to see opera & classical music – especially at this level – represented in the closing. Beautiful, elegant rendition of Fauré.

  • Someone says:

    I don’t care. It was absolutely spectacular and worth it.