Twin conducts Olympics closing orchestra

Twin conducts Olympics closing orchestra


norman lebrecht

August 11, 2024

The Divertimento Symphony Orchestra was conducted at the Olympics closing ceremony by its founder Zahia Ziouani.

She’s French-Algerian, born in Paris in 1978, twin sister of the cellist Fettouma Ziouani.

Benjamin Bernheim sang Fauré’s Hymn to Apollo with a flying piano accompanist.


  • John Borstlap says:

    There are two things I never can get used to and that are twins.


  • Patrick Case says:

    What a superb performance at the closing ceremony ofbthd Olympics. Thank you so much for my introduction to this orchestra.

    • Jonathan Sutherland says:

      I beg to differ with Patrick Case and V.Lind.
      The overall performance by the Divertimento Symphony Orchestra was never more than mediocre and Zahia Ziouani’s baton technique closer to that of a third-rate band leader.
      Surely France could have come up with a more accomplished maestro and orchestra for the occasion.
      Any musical excellence in an otherwise drawn-out, often dreary and occasionally shambolic spectacle was due to one or two of the soloists.
      Yseult’s performance of “My Way” (why not the original “Comme d’habitude?”) was powerful and passionate and made amends for her matronly millinery and hip-hugging couture.
      A suitably mellifluous interpretation of Faure’s “Hymne à Apollon” by Benjamin Bernheim was another highlight, despite the circus-like suspended-piano accompaniment from Alain Roche.
      Maybe Lola Astanova or Yuja Wang will consider adding such vertigo-inducing pianistic gymnastics to their performance schticks?
      At least it would make their seemingly mandatory lower- limb exposure much easier.
      Of course the big difference is that Madame Wang can actually play the piano.

      • Carl says:

        “Surely France could have come up with a more accomplished maestro…”
        And therein lies the heart of your argument: You’d prefer a maestro to a maestra. There seems to be a sexist tone to the rest of your remarks as well…

        But one person’s shticks are another’s theatricality. And this wasn’t a dull recital, it was a sporting event ceremony.

        • Jonathan Sutherland says:

          Dear Carl.
          I have no preference whatsoever if a conductor is male, female, transgender, eunuch or non-binary alien.
          The only criterium worthy of consideration is if the person standing in front of an orchestra can conduct or not.
          As for your complaint of sexism, the two examples I gave are artists (well, one real artist and one total charlatan) who appear to believe that showing thighs and cleavage will attract a larger audience rather than inherent musical skills and individual artistic.
          Lorenzo Viotti shows his admirable torso in private Instagram shots but not, at least to date, on the conducting podium.
          Finally, sporting event or not, there is no compromise in matters of quality, hence Gold Medals in recognition of the best of the best.
          The Divertimento Symphony Orchestra and Zahia Ziouani would not even have passed the qualifying rounds of the musical marathon.

          • Mr Kitten says:

            I agree!!!

          • V.Lind says:

            What is a criterium? (In this context. I am perfectly familiar with the regular use of this word, and watched the Critérium du Dauphiné a few weeks ago).

            If you were trying to show that you knew “criteria” is the plural, not the singular, of this noun, let me introduce you to the word “criterion.”

          • Jonathan Sutherland says:

            I stand corrected on the negligent reliance of spellcheck regarding the singular form of “criteria”.
            I also stand by my opinion that the Divertimento Symphony Orchestra is an inescapably inferior ensemble which should never have been engaged for such a global showcase of what was supposed to be “le meilleur de tout ce qui est français”. Let me introduce YOU to the l’Orchestre de Paris; l’Orchestre de l’Opéra National; l’Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse or even l’Orchestre de l’Opéra de Lyon.
            In comparison, the Divertimento Symphony Orchestra is not only troisième ordre but not even remotely divertissant.

          • Ian says:

            Thank you. A suitable riposte to the curmudgeonly Mr. Sutherland.
            Personally, I enjoyed this arrangement of the National Anthem. A non- nationalistic version in keeping with the harmonious ethos of the Games

      • Alan says:

        Couldn’t agree more as baton technique more like someone learning floor door window ceiling !

    • Eda says:

      Did you see the film about her cello playing twin?
      Nor the most brilliant film. But I loved. Great to see this update about them.

  • V.Lind says:

    Not enamoured of the arrangement of La Marseillaise. But they were pretty good.

    • chet says:

      Agree! They were overcompensating with the soft slow arrangement for the blood-thirsty lyrics, AND it was too loooong.

  • Selene says:

    Would have been more newsworthy if both twins had conducted, however badly.

  • Don Ciccio says:

    Her life story was made in a film called Divertimento. Niels Aresptrup appears as Celibidache, who was Zahia’s teacher.

  • Guido de Arezzo says:

    I’m a big big fan of classical music.

    This concert was almost as good as Bocelli and the Three Tenors.

    So glad they didn’t play any Mozart. Too many notes.