Bayreuth shrinks its chorus, again

Bayreuth shrinks its chorus, again


norman lebrecht

July 25, 2024

The festival is making stringent economies.

Before it began, Katharina Wagner said that, after cuts, the chorus would be maintained at 134 singers.

Today, the festival website listed 118.

Tobias Könemann of the Union of German Opera and Dance Ensembles, claims that only 113 singers will be used.

The test will be Tannhäuser, tomorrow.



    I heard the dress rehearsal of Tannhäuser at the weekend. It sounded as wonderful as it did last year. And the most beautiful pianissimo Pilgerchor I ever heard. Götterdämmerung act two and Parsifal fine too. Business as usual.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    I was talking about this with someone in the office the other week. It’s quite possible that another round of negotiations will take place. At the moment, the compromise is 118 members.

    This year, Tannhäuser has been ‘aufgestockt’ with extra chorus. Of the chorus-heavy works, there are three performances of Flying Dutchman, six Parsifals and five Tannhäusers. Tristan only has a smattering of off-stage mens’ chorus in the first act. There’s SATB chorus in Act II of Götterdämmerung, but not that much, however impressive it is.

    Ring years always present this problem. Keeping 134 choristers on a not inconsiderable daily rate while all around are cutting budgets is not easy. Maybe Wolfgang found it easier to negotiate. Ring-free years are easier to justify, where chorus-heavy works, such as Tannhäuser, Parsifal, Lohengrin, Meistersinger and Dutchman form the mainstay of the schedule.

    As with Rossini, Wagner preferred men’s choruses. I’d love to see all 134 choristers kept on, come what may. They have a world-beating chorus master in Eberhard Friedrich, together with the incomparable orchestra and the unique acoustic, form the public face of this most special of music festivals. At the same time, I can, unfortunately, understand why management is looking to make it all more cost-effective.

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    “All remaining Bayreuth chorus members will henceforth sing 20% louder.”

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Can someone with choral experience weigh in?

  • IP says:

    When Claudia ‘Fatima’ Roth suggested they do something else but Wagner, could she have meant Monteverdi?