Khatia does it with Klaus

Khatia does it with Klaus


norman lebrecht

July 19, 2024

Who knew they still played the Tchaikovsky concerto?


  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Bang bang bang.

  • just saying says:

    Classy headline there…

  • J Barcelo says:

    Klaus had better learn to control himself and stop over-conducting or in a few years he’s going to visiting massage therapists and medical specialists at a very young age.

    • Alexy says:

      Why bother? As if he is going to have a long career.

    • Claudia says:

      He should’ve learned it long ago. In his way Tchaikovsky sounds and looks like Stravinsky. At his level he should’ve learned many more things long ago.

  • Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf says:

    Man, this is some sexist shit lol

  • Couperin says:

    Be kareful, Klaus!

  • chet says:

    I wonder what she and the Orchestre de Paris sound like live in that hall, it’s hard to judge on video not knowing if the mics recording are all on stage, from the looks of it though, no one is breaking a sweat…

  • Clarrieu says:

    With such a work, you’d think she would refrain from displaying her usual awfully bad taste, but listen from 1’21, here it goes…

  • John Kelly says:

    If you like this concerto may I suggest this……..

  • Save the MET says:

    Klaus spent the evening looking over his left shoulder. Wonder why, he never did that with Yuja………..

  • Vaclav says:

    I would like to understand the meaning of the headline and the comments below…as a professional musician I don’t find anything odd in the communication between the soloist and the conductor. For my taste only the 3rd mov was way to fast, apart from that absolutely stunning performance…

  • John King says:

    Don’t you mean, with Khlaus?