Munich gets new orchestra chief

Munich gets new orchestra chief


norman lebrecht

July 03, 2024

The Munich Philharmonic, which recently installed Lahav Shani as chief conductor, also has a new CEO.

Paul Müller is departing after 16 years. His successor next year will be Florian Wiegand, presently director of concerts and media at the Salzburg Festival.

Photo caption?


  • BonMot says:

    A window of opportunity?
    “Stay away from open windows”? (Hotel New Hampshire)
    philharmonically phramed?
    “Now you can throw your tomato soup at me!” (JSO-proof)

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    The Defenestration of Salzburg

    or Munich?

  • Rachelle Goldberg says:

    You’ve been framed!

  • Frank says:

    ‘Preparing for Defenestration’

  • David Hassell says:

    I hope he’s better than the one they’ve installed at The CBSO

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    From Room with a View to City without Hall

  • Wise Guy says:

    It’s too soon to jump!