Sondra quits Covent Garden Japan tour

Sondra quits Covent Garden Japan tour


norman lebrecht

June 20, 2024

Message received:

It is with great regret that Sondra Radvanovsky has had to withdraw from the title role of Turandot on The Royal Opera’s Japan tour due to a severe ear infection and sinusitis. She will be replaced, at the recommendation of Music Director Antonio Pappano, by soprano Maida Hundeling (pic) who is scheduled to sing the same role with The Royal Opera in 2025/2026 season.

No opportunity, then for a young British soprano to take her chance. That’s not what Covent Garden does any more.


  • Dominic Stafford says:

    Why would a young soprano be singing Turandot? Let alone a British one?

    Hundeling is in her 40s.

  • Michael de Navarro says:

    Great pity they didn’t go for Rachel Nicholls who sings her first Turandot next month

  • lucas says:

    More anti-British tub thumping – enough already. If you don’t have anything positive to say, say nothing at all. Actually, that would probably close this blog entirely… lol.

  • Michael burley says:

    Maida Hunderling is the most fantastic singer. A great exchange!

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    The Garden is a world house not an English one so we expect the best.

  • Barney says:

    How many ‘young’ sopranos of any nationality have Turandot in their repertoire?
    Radvanovsky is in her mid-fifties. Hundeling began her career in 1998, so is probably around the same age.

  • Edward says:

    A) turandot is not a role for a young singer.
    B) name me a British dramatic soprano of international class that is likely to be free at a moments notice to drop everything and fly half way around the world.
    C)Do you really think Covent Garden would wilfully reject a worthy British singer in this situation (when they can’t pick and choose as time is short) because of their nationality??

    • Blake says:

      Catherine Foster

      • operabase says:

        Catherine is busy in Bayreuth right now.

      • Rose Ducor says:

        Catherine Foster may be today’s best Turandot – but she’s in Bayreuth!

        I remember Maida Hundeling from Tristan und Isolde in Prague, 2010. She was so terrible during rehearsals that she got fired.

        • M-AIDA says:

          My Dear,you must really hate me very much and I am sorry if I did ever hurt you, though I do not know you; please accept my apologize and I hope your heart and soul finds back to peace and Love.NAMASTE!
          And I am glad that smbdy knows better than me about me and circumstances.

  • Willym says:

    Could you give us the names of singers you feel should be given that opportunity? It would make the indignation seem a touch more sincere.

  • Officer Krupke says:

    Finding suitable alternatives in this repertoire who are available is often the biggest challenge. Were there a “young British soprano” capable of signing Turandot, it would be worrying if she were free at this notice.

  • Zvi says:

    It’s a common knoledge that loads of young brittish sopranos roamiong the streets of London singing the riddle scene hoping someone will notice them and offer on the spot a contract. It’s easier to engage Netrebko.

  • Andreas B. says:

    Great choice!

    12 years ago Maida Hundeling sang a fantastic Turandot alongside Stefano La Colla’s Calaf in Regensburg, Bavaria.

  • Ernest says:

    Just wondering if Catherine Foster is available?

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Ms. Foster does seem otherwise engaged in Bayreuth…although one would assume she was approached since she knows this production.

    • AB says:

      Having heard Ms. Foster as Turandot in 3 occasions in the last 9 months… I would say – anyone else would be better. Ms. Foster sounded flat in the low and middle register, nasal and ugly sound, good top and no italianità at all. A Turandot that can survive the show but Turandot is much more than effective high C‘s and Ms. Foster was not able to offer any other qualities

  • Janet M says:

    Louise Alder is a fantastic young British soprano, once again overlooked!

    • Roles says:

      As Turandot?! It’s not in her repertoire.

    • Barney Burnham says:

      Check her repertoire. Your comment is ridiculous.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      You do understand voice types, no? Fine as Ms. Adler may be, a Cleopatra or Fiordiligi does not a Turandot make.

    • Nick2 says:

      Everyone here seems to forget that the ROH Japan tour is already underway. There are four Turandot performances, the first of which was two nights ago (23rd). I wonder how many singers with Turandot in their repertoire would have been available at such dreadfully short notice. Even today the NBS Japan Performing Arts Foundation website is still listing Ms. Radvanovsky as Turandot. So the cancellation must have been at extremely short notice.

  • Pól O'Cathmhaoil says:

    I would have thought that they (Covent Garden) would have wanted to bring you the best soprano that they could, and not give the role to someone because of their nationality.

  • Willym says:

    I’m still waiting for Norman’s list of British sopranos that he feels should have been chosen.

  • Thyra says:

    ROH have a young British soprano, Robyn Allegra Parton, out there in Japan covering Gilda and they’ve used her for orchestral rehearsals when necessary – so they aren’t neglecting British talent. She’s singing Gilda at ENO in the autumn